Any advice for laparoscopy recovery - Endometriosis UK

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Any advice for laparoscopy recovery

JenRow7 profile image
13 Replies

Having my first laparoscopy in 2 weeks....what is the recovery time? Will I need painkillers? I've got a v heavy 1 year old....will I be able to pick him up?


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JenRow7 profile image
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13 Replies
SimplyDeeDee profile image

Hi I would advise not picking up your 1 year old, you’ll find you may be sore and your body needs time to heal internally and externally. A gentle cuddle away from the entry points may be ok and a comfort for you. Recovery in my experiences is anything from 2 weeks onwards but will be based on how well your body heals and the extent of the work done through laparoscopic treatment.

I remember my first one, I felt like I could lift the kettle and make myself tea the next day; I didn’t and just as well because the day after that I was in a fair bit of pain. Let people look after you if you can and try not to do anything strenuous.

Your doctor will discuss the appropriate recovery time and medication with you.

All the best for your surgery and below are a few things I find helpful.

*Gel Peppermint Capsules - helps to relieve the gas they pump into you to inflate your stomach for surgery. You can take them or pop one in hot water to drink.

*Lozenges - dry throat from oxygen

*Lipbalm - my lips on all laps were really dry.

*Pack a bag just incase you need to stay in.

*Eye mask & ear plugs

*Extra blanket

JenRow7 profile image
JenRow7 in reply to SimplyDeeDee

Thank you so much. Not had much time to think about it so that's all really helpful. My sis is going to have my little one for 2 nights so maybe she can have him longer. The gas I'm really worried about...found that soo painful on my c section and noone ever mentioned it! Took ages to go.

SimplyDeeDee profile image
SimplyDeeDee in reply to JenRow7

I understand and when you do it’s a lot to take in. There are some great posts on here which detail what to expect and some lists on what to take. Pop it in the search daily and gradually build up over the next week.

I don’t know why but with every op I’ve had issue with being discharged from hospital. Either not providing the information I need or booking follow up appointment. Mine are London based and a 1.5 hours away so not ideal if I had to return.

A couple of things to remember for discharge:

If you have stitches are they dissolvable or will it require a the nurse to remove. This also goes for changing dressings. Will they discussed removal with your Gp or arrange for a district nurse to visit?

If you work you will require the time off and will need a sick note for your employer. The treating doctor at the hospital can provide this.

You should also have a letter for your GP to provide additional medication. Waiting for them to write to your GP could take some time and in the meantime you might run out of what you need.

Ask for a copy of the medical report from surgery along with any images. I ask this of the doctor as soon as I see him after surgery. I find that these are easier to digest rather than the typed version with all the waffle.

Pinkyandthebrain profile image

Hi Jen, I just read your previous post so I’m really glad you’ve got your laparoscopy coming up but I feel nervous for you with the husband. I hope he’ll be able to support and help you x

Recovery time can vary, I’ve normally been good to go after 2-4 weeks but like you, I find that full of gas feeling AWFUL.

When I woke up after my first lap I felt like I couldn’t breathe but it was just because the gas was pressing on my diaphragm and I knew what to expect for my second one.

Really glad your sister will be able to look after your little one, I’d be surprised if you could pick them up right away, and like DeeDee said, you need to heal and take it easy. But I’m sure lots of cuddles will help :)

For me I found gentle walking (once I felt up to it) helped get rid of the gas quicker.

Really wish you the best, sounds like you’ve had some hard times over the last couple of years xxx

Stwb29 profile image

Hi Defo get peppermint capsules or peppermint tea for the gas. Also best tip I found was to buy a wedge pillow and sleep propped up on it. One that's shaped like a triangle. Yes it makes sleep.pretty rubbish but the painkillers will help with that but it will stop you from having intense pain in the mornings and also I was like a turtle on its back couldn't sit up by myself first few days so it helps you be able to get up independently. Keep taking painkillers in a cycle and get up to have small walks to relieve the gas. I only managed up and down my flat corridor. Within about a week and a half I was feeling much better but defo take 2 weeks off work to recover.

Clare2398 profile image

My first lap was investigation only ( it was in a private hospital and my endo was too extensive to treat there) and I didn’t pick anything heavy up for at least two weeks so if you’re having treatment I would say not. Remember that even though you only have small wounds on the outside it’s your insides that need time and rest to heal properly!

As for pain killers I would definitely have some ready plus some peppermint tea or something peppermint as the gas pain can be quite uncomfortable.

Good luck with everything! X

Americanexpat profile image

You mentioned being worried about the gas - I feel like this is the one thing no one prepared me for! Even my doctor just mentioned it in passing like “you may have some discomfort from the co2 we fill your abdomen with but it’ll go away in a day or so”. For me it was by far the most difficult thing to recover from. It was in my shoulders! So weird. And the meds didn’t touch it since apparently it’s gas that rises up through your body and can cause nerve pain depending on what it pushes on. For me the best thing for this was movement - walking around, putting my arms over my head, bending gently when I could. I hope for you this doesn’t end up being part of your recovery! I was just irritated that no one prepared me for how intense it was. Recovery time is different for everyone. It was a full month before I felt back to mostly normal. Best of luck to you! You’ll be so happy to have this done :)

JenRow7 profile image
JenRow7 in reply to Americanexpat

Yes exactly! This is how I felt after my c -section. They'd made such a fuss about the recovery- but the gas pain was far worse than the scar and more uncomfortable. Would sit under my ribs on on my shoulder. I went back to hospital and they said i'd pulled a muscle but I don't think that was right! 🤞 Maybe I won't get it the same this time. Will walk and stretch as you say. Am on mat leave so will take it easy!

SS10 profile image

Hi Jen, I was only diagnosed with severe endometriosis 6 weeks ago, I’m 46, I have 2 boys and never had any major symptoms apart from some pelvic pain when ovulating.

I only started my diagnosis last year as I was bleeding through the month after a period, and thankfully had a fab female doctor at my surgery that pushed to get an ultrasound, mri and bloods done.

I had my lap on Monday and had my left tube and most of my ovary removed as well as lots of endometrial plaque from everywhere else and a hysteroscopy too. My insides feel bruised, but having had two c sections, this pain has been far more bearable.

The gas isn’t great and my shoulders ached for a couple of days, but peppermint tea and walking a little has helped and that has all gone now. Keep up the pain meds as that helps too.

I know you gave a little one, mine are older, but take the rest you need, you think you don’t need it, but you do and although mine 2 and hubby have been great, the simplest things like making a tea, I haven’t done as it does strain. I’m still healing so can’t offer much more advice, I hope it all goes well for you. Xxx

JenRow7 profile image
JenRow7 in reply to SS10

That must have been a shock then! I've ordered lots fruit snacks and bottles of water and lucozade so dont have to keep getting up for a drink! And peppermint tea. Got an electric heating pad wish I'd had it sooner! Will try my best to go easy. Hope your recovery goes well and you get better and are symptom free for a long time xx

SS10 profile image
SS10 in reply to JenRow7

Thanks Jen, it was a shock, I train a lot so assumed the pain I did get was muscle pain, but glad it’s been diagnosed and sorted.

My consultant said if this doesn’t help, next stage would be a hysterectomy, but I don’t really want to go into a full blown menopause just yet, defo peri now. So hopefully this works...

I hope yours goes well and fingers crossed for you, 😘

JenRow7 profile image

Hi all, just thought I'd post an update... had laproscophy this morning. Before I went down Consultant said 'mild-moderate endo' which cheered me up.

Ended up having cysts removed as planned then also some ablation and also some unsticking of adhesions and finally my left fallopian tube removed. Was a small shock. But also not that surprised as the pain nearly broke me! Also had ectopic before so this should remove that risk.

Right side is healthy so that's a huge positive and found out egg from left can be pulled over to right tube! Who knew.

So hopefully pain ok tomorrow but feeling so relieved today.

Thanks for advice and me through!

SS10 profile image

Just saw your reply, hope you’re recovering well, xx

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