Could I have adenomyosis? : Hi ladies, Iv... - Endometriosis UK

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Could I have adenomyosis?

Munch11 profile image
12 Replies

Hi ladies,

Iv recently had a baseline scan with the intention of IVF but the radiologist found two more (Iv had 3 in the past) endometriomas and what she described as fibrous tissue on my uterus wall.

I have had no further information due to the time of year but am increasingly concerned that I have bled heavily now for over 7 days and am still suffering with an internal flare up/ unexplained stabbing pains in my hip and groin.

Has anyone else had a scan that found fibrous tissue? And could this be adenomyosis?

I at first presumed fibroids due to the term that she used but my symptoms all relate to those of adenomyosis also. I am also aware that stage 4 endometriosis and adenomyosis often reside together. I haven’t had bleeding like this the whole time I have had endometriosis and in the past with endometriomas. So I am quite frightened.

Any helpful tips or advice would be greatly appreciated please.

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Munch11 profile image
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12 Replies
Heloo85 profile image

I just had a TOA tubo-ovarian-abscess, a complicated endometrioma, caused sepsis! I had an MRI and I had the same noted on my womb! 1cm, fibroid but (?) put at the side! I know both are estrogen dominant diseases, so nothing saying you can’t have both, but I also questioned andenomyosis! Got to know I don’t know a lot about it, Endo & ando are considered different diseases, but can run concurrent too! I think a lap and biopsy will be the only thing to give real answers! Both are plausible for us both


Munch11 profile image
Munch11 in reply to Heloo85

Thanks Kim,

I’m feeling really defeated at the moment with coming so close to starting IVF and getting more set backs. These are my 4th and 5th endometriomas in 6 years so I totally feel for you especially having had a complicated endometrioma 😔. Just always seems to be one symptom after another. Currently think I’m suffering from iron deficiency from the excessive bleeding for so long as I can barely gain the energy to do anything and so pale.

On Christmas Day I had a sudden sharp pain and tummy swelling that froze me on the spot and I almost went to a&e but it settled. So definately need to get in contact with the GP tomorrow.

With covid looming it’s so hard to get any guidance or support at the moment and I’m in more of a mess pain/ symptom wise than I have ever been. It’s frightening when your left in the loop.

Hope your holding up okay 👌🏻 and get all the answers you need to.

Stay safe and as well as you can xx

Heloo85 profile image
Heloo85 in reply to Munch11

This disease is so frustrating! I’ve battled with it for last 4 years, I had 3 monthly consultations up until Covid, that moved to telephone, then moved to nothing as my consultant become ill, and it progressed to sepsis, so now I’m stuck between a rock and hard place myself!

As sucks as it is, there is a bright side! It was discovered before you started IVF, so hopefully they can fast track you for treatment, it will give IVF the best chance of working!

I don’t have children and unlikely to be able to have children as my disease is severe too. I decided against IVF, and children, so can’t really understand the agony and frustration you are going through!

I hope it all works out for you, and the NHS start putting our health back on the table! This disease is no joke, if it doesn’t ruin lives, it can take them! I’m almost living proof of that!

Take care and stay safe too xx

Munch11 profile image
Munch11 in reply to Heloo85

I’m sorry to hear you’ve been through so much also. I know Iv been referred for IVF but I’m not getting my hopes high at all. I’m like you Hun my endo is very advanced and in year and a half Windows it ends up everywhere in my tummy and always with cysts.

Can I ask what happened that caused your endo to turn to sepsis? X

Heloo85 profile image
Heloo85 in reply to Munch11

My Endo triggered non-sti pelvic inflammatory disease, which advanced to TOA (tubo-ovarian-abscess) encased in a 6 by 5 by 6cm endometrioma, that spread to my blood, triggering the sepsis! I didn’t know but Endo likes to trigger infections and actually increases our risk of TOAs! If you ever get pain with a fever, seek medical attention straight away.

Heloo85 profile image
Heloo85 in reply to Munch11

It is quite common, well definitely for me! I’ve had quite a few infections over the years! I know my mass doesn’t seem overly big, big enough to cause real problems, but if you imagine a mass that big in an 11 year old child, what clothes size I wear, because I’m petite petite, you can actually understand how it manages to cause problems! My infection hasn’t fully cleared and I’m back on antibiotics, until they decide what to do! But as I’m sat here, I can feel my ureter being crushed and my left kidney screaming in pain, and my bowels like nah, can’t take anymore 🤣! Endo is a worse disease than any Dr makes it out to be! And isn’t to be messed with xx

Munch11 profile image
Munch11 in reply to Heloo85

No it definately isn’t. Will definately be chasing up the doctors tomorrow (they weren’t open today because of bank holiday) and I’m too scared to go to the hospital after hearing there are queues of ambulances there due to covid. Am currently really fatigued, finally the bleeding is easing but am dizzy and pale with a temperature and keep coming over nauseas. Can’t seem to quench my thirst either.

No major pain as such but Christmas Day my whole stomach swelled like a balloon with stabbing pain in my right hip area. So best to get some advice from a doctor. Not like they will be of much assistance.

Thanks for replying and I really hope you begin to feel better soon! Your right this disease isn’t given enough credit at all for what it puts us ladies through. It’s outrageous that it’s been buried under the carpet for such a long time. X

Heloo85 profile image
Heloo85 in reply to Munch11

Get to hospital or out of hours! That is exactly how I felt! My fever swung, come and went, I was pale, nausea! Don’t mess with those cysts!

Infection is a risk factor to Endometriosis because the irritation triggers them.

If you think you have an infection, get it treated! I kinda thought I did then come slightly right, thinking I must’ve been wrong, then went downhill fast and ended up in hospital!

Best of luck!


Gill1977 profile image

Hello-hope you're doing ok today. I had a lap and hysteroscopy in Dec last year-nothing found (had laser treatment for endo about 14 yrs ago when it appears that helped). Had Mri in March where the saw a 5cm cyst on my left and lots of "tiny fibroids" in the lining of my womb and the lining of my womb appeared to be quite thick. I suffer from immense almost continuous bloating-feeling like I'm carrying a watermelon in my lower tum, hip pain, pelvic pain, lower back pain, heavy periods with 10p sized clots that last about 12 days-but only heavy for 2-3 days, Bowel issues, bladder issues. It seems like all my symptoms get worse when I stand up out of bed in the morning too......however, I have been told that nothing they have seen would indicate adenomyosis.....and in spite of everything I mentioned I've been given no formal indication of why I'm suffering from all of the above! Driving me utterly insane so will be interested to hear what your Dr has to say as you go along.

Sorry I can't be of much use to you, but wanted you to know that you are not alone. I'm lucky not to have had to endure ivf- but I'm more than happy to lend an ear without judgement. Xx

Munch11 profile image
Munch11 in reply to Gill1977

Hi Gill,

Sounds a lot like what the radiologist described on my scan. She wouldn’t give me too much information about the fibrous tissue- just said i had a large area of it on my uterus wall and described the cysts.

With covid looming over us all it feels like we are all being put between a rock and a hard place 😔 no real support at all.

Thankyou for your reply and if I get anymore information I’ll keep you updated xx

Em1210 profile image

Hi there Munch11 I can relate to this! Iv been having investigations before I start ivf and could have a set back too. They found an endometrioma thats 4cm on my left ovary she also showed me the lining of my womb that showed adenomiosis and she confirmed it there and then, but didn't seem concerned about the adeno , but I may have to have another laposcopy to remove it to be able to start ivf treatment. I also get the random stabbing, cramping pain in my hip groin and pelvis too. I take naproxin and regular ibuprofen, ask your doctor for transamic acid it really helps with heavy periods if you take it regular, you will get more blood clots than normal but its nothing to worry about. Make sure you take time for you and try looking at your diet, taking gluten, dairy etc out of your diet could help, I also drink a lot of ginger and lemon tea which helps with the endo bloat and ibs. Hope this helps! Always here if you want a chat or a moan xxx

Munch11 profile image
Munch11 in reply to Em1210

Thanks for replying. Your diagnosis sounds so similar to mine. The cyst on my right is 3cm and the one on my left is 4cm. I’m pretty sure that with this cycle at least one of them has grown because I had so much pulsating and that sharp pain. Still haven’t stopped bleeding heavy now and I’m on day 8.

I chose to take on a vegan diet and reduce gluten also a year ago. It did really help with digestion and bowel movements until just recently when my endo advanced drastically again. I now have to take movicol to go to the loo most days no matter what my diet is. I’ll definately speak to the doctor about transamic acid though! Haven’t been supported with any medications to help with bleeding as of yet and Iv been through 3 laparoscopies and 5 cysts in 6 years. Just kind of get left to it unless I’m lucky enough to see my specialist!

I’m here to talk to anytime too! Having someone to talk to in the exact same position as me would be really reassuring xx

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