Did everyone have to take a GNRH injectio... - Endometriosis UK

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Did everyone have to take a GNRH injection before their surgery . Usually its zoladex or prostap?

Endo_enemy profile image
28 Replies

Advice please !

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Endo_enemy profile image
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28 Replies
Lindle profile image

No it is just if there are endometriomas and it's a two stage surgery for severe endo in which case it is suggested for 3 months in between. Otherwise it would only be for pain and your choice entirely in each case.

Endo_enemy profile image
Endo_enemy in reply to Lindle

I have been told that my surgery will be 2 part as i have severe bowel endo so i guess this is the reason my surgeon said i have to go on it. Thank you for the advice.

Lily1986 profile image

Hey, yes I had decapeptyl (triptorelin) gnrh analogue for 3 months without HRT before my last excision surgery for stage 4 endometriosis two years ago.

Ive since had the injections again with HRT earlier this year but stopped after 3 injections.

I believe it reduces inflammation and makes it easier to remove the disease during surgery, although I don’t fully understand.

It really knocked me out and was sleeping in excess of 12 hours a day, hot sweats, bones ached, tremors, forgetful Mx migraines and weight gain. The weight has dropped off pretty quickly since coming off the injections.

Sage tablets from holland and Barrett (menoforce) helped a lot with the hot sweats.

The first month was far worse than the others, by the third month I’d got used to it.

It’s a very strong drug And everyone reacts differently to it, some have no side effects at all and others have all of them.

Best wishes and good luck to you xxx

Endo_enemy profile image
Endo_enemy in reply to Lily1986

Thank you for the advice i am really scared of getting any side effects especially within the 1st month. I am sorry u went through this as well. I finished my pill yesterday after taking it back to back and they gave me the zoladex injection today. I hope being on the pill beforehand helps with symptoms

Funny tho as i have menoforce already and it is really good. Im wondering if any herbs react with zoladex like fenugreek or damaina.

MlleMaupins profile image
MlleMaupins in reply to Endo_enemy

I’m on my fourth injection, the next one being due next Monday, but I don’t think I’ll ge through with it because it’s making me severely depressed. I’ve always had anxiety issues, so you might say I’m pre-disposed, but it’s never been as bad as this. I have a huge fibroid and I had hoped to avoid surgery, but my gyno wants me stay on the drug for years if need be, but I can’t go on living with these side-effects.

Endo_enemy profile image
Endo_enemy in reply to MlleMaupins

Im so sorry to hear that. I dnt think gyno should be making u stay on these drugs for years. Even after the 4th injection i read side effects can get worse. Have u mentioned the issues its causing to your doctor?

MlleMaupins profile image
MlleMaupins in reply to Endo_enemy

I have. Her reply was that my depression had nothing to do with the drug. She’s either extremely ignorant or a brazen liar. I have made an appointment to see another gyno but she can’t see me before the next shot is due. I’m in agony as I’m afraid to make the decision without professional guidance but if the depression gets worse - as it has each time until now - I’ll end up feeling suicidal.

Endo_enemy profile image
Endo_enemy in reply to MlleMaupins

Well she is clearly lying because side effects shows it can affect your mood. Even if you had issues with depression before the injection, they shouldn't be anything to make it worse. Can they give you HRT to help?

MlleMaupins profile image
MlleMaupins in reply to Endo_enemy

She hasn’t even brought up the subject. 😔

Endo_enemy profile image
Endo_enemy in reply to MlleMaupins

Well you should bring it up or request to see another gp. Dont go through more pain then you have to.

MlleMaupins profile image
MlleMaupins in reply to Endo_enemy

This is not a life anymore, that’s for sure. I’m a caregiver to my beloved Mum, who has dementia and, as a result, had to take very early retirement, and am struggling to pay my mortgage, so this is that last thing I wanted. My GP seems completely clueless so the only health-care professional I’ll be able to consult before making a decision is a naturopath.

Endo_enemy profile image
Endo_enemy in reply to MlleMaupins

Im so sorry to hear this. This is why you have to sort your health first or how can u support your mum. Ask for a new gp and explain clearly what your going through. If they still refuse to help ask them to note the reasons for their refusal on ur file.

MlleMaupins profile image
MlleMaupins in reply to Endo_enemy

I could t agree more. Sadly, though, this is Luxembourg, and there’s absolutely nothing I can do. I don’t even have a consultant. Next Monday, they’ll send a nurse for the shot, and she will claim that she has no opinion on the matter.

Endo_enemy profile image
Endo_enemy in reply to MlleMaupins

Goodness i dont even no what to say

Endo_enemy profile image
Endo_enemy in reply to MlleMaupins

I am.sorry this is happening to you

MlleMaupins profile image
MlleMaupins in reply to Endo_enemy

It’s ghastly, I know. I just hope I stay strong for as long as Mum needs me. Your sympathy means a lot to me.

Princesspeach84 profile image

Yes I had about 8 months worth of prostap before my lap. It was rough going and I didn’t have hrt at first but in last few months I did. Mine is rectovaginal endo so they told me I would have better recovery after lap and less chance of having a stoma (which I didn’t have, thankfully) apparently the endo shrinks and it’s easier for surgeon to remove. I was tired and put on weight on prostap but it also gave me my life back. I was bed bound but 3 months of prostap and I was sat in pub! Good luck 🤞 xx

Lula22 profile image
Lula22 in reply to Princesspeach84

My experience was more or less the same. Only I had Zoladex. And no pub unfortunately 😉 x

Princesspeach84 profile image
Princesspeach84 in reply to Lula22

Ha I never had zolodex as I’m a wuss and prefer needles monthly than something sat under my skin. To be honest I was a big baby about having the jabs but I’m not going to lie they did help. I also felt a bit fluey the day after each jab but at least I got my life back. The hrt patches were a laugh though 🤣 there was a national shortage so I had to ring every pharmacist in town 🤣 then I had to ask my Dr to try a different patch etc it’s all fun and games 🤣🤣 xx

Endo_enemy profile image
Endo_enemy in reply to Princesspeach84

Iv been given a monthly dosage of zoladex and waiting on my HRT medication. Hopefully that's given next week. Would rather take it early lol. I know what u mean about the needle. I did everything to avoid it lol but i guess it has to be done lol

Endo_enemy profile image
Endo_enemy in reply to Princesspeach84

Hey thanks for sharing. Iv just had my 1st injection of zoladex. Was meant to get prostap but my gp run out of it on the day and offered zoladex. I have bowel endo and my main symptom aside from severe pain is constipation and keeping down food. I hope zoladex can improve the bowel symptoms.

Lula22 profile image

Yes I had 8 months of Zoladex before my last surgery. I struggled with it throughout but from reading others experiences some find it the best thing. I will say it was fab not having a period for 8 months.

Endo_enemy profile image
Endo_enemy in reply to Lula22

Ye im glad the periods will be gone cos that means no pain! But i want to make sure i can still try for a baby. Im still young after all :) thank u for sharing x

Rjb_88 profile image

I’ve had three laps and didn’t take a gnrh before any of them. I am on prostap now though and no issues so far!

mrsk8cook profile image

I am on Zoladex for Stage 4 endo DIE. Bowel endo with tethered organs. Was put on it to help clear up the mess before surgery which will be soon. I have been told that surgery is risky and complicated and a consultant needs to be brought in. Side effects are as if you were going through menopause although your body will go into some sort of hormone depletion shock, as menopause is supposed to happen gradually not quickly. If you would like to chat more freel free to message me x

Endo_enemy profile image
Endo_enemy in reply to mrsk8cook

Thank you, we seem to be on similar journeys, my endo consultant needs to liaise with a bowel surgeon for my surgery. I am.pushing for a surgery within 3 months which is why i started the injections. My consultant said he would not provide a surgery date unless iv been on them for at least 12 weeks. Does the injection have any effect on the bowel im.worried it will make constipation worse.

mrsk8cook profile image
mrsk8cook in reply to Endo_enemy

I've only noticed that my bowel pain has improved a little, I'm not "cycling". It is still painful though... food is a trigger, so I try to eat moist and minced. I am under the belief I (we) are experience partial obstructions often. I've been getting chronic headaches the past few weeks. That has rocked me a little.

Endo_enemy profile image
Endo_enemy in reply to mrsk8cook

Goodness you just dont know what to expect cos it affects us all differently. I just pray for less pain and minimal to no side effects

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