I’m waiting for my appointment to go through with gyny and have a scan on Wednesday. I’m on codeine and mefenamic acid. I’m very constipated lol. I’m still getting cramping and ovary pain. The pain has moved right across my lower back for the past week and it’s excruciating. Is this common?
Excruciating back pain: I’m waiting for my... - Endometriosis UK
Excruciating back pain

I get it if I get constipation, sometimes even though I’m taking stuff, I have to everyday otherwise it gets worse, and take extra sometimes. Very annoying 😡🤣
Last night was bad, didn’t sleep until about 4am, pain abdomen and back.
An out of hours GP, also a gynaecologist, recognised the association straight away back in Feb after lap.
Always best to double check with GP though just to rule out anything else.
Thank you. I’m just sick of being in pain xx
So with you on that one 👍
Every time you think you’ve found a solution, blessed thing changes tactics 😂
Morphine at 3am to get to sleep at 4.
What are you taking for the constipation?
I have just downed 2 laxido. Had one sachet for the past few days but it has not produced that much. Hoping this will do the trick!
I had this and it was a cyst.
Oh gosh? Really? Feels like it’s pressing on my sciatic nerve. Did it show up on a scan?
Yeh I had severe diorea and back pain, and had all the stool tests and blood. So she sent me for ultrasound and the nurse saw a huge cyst and ended up doing an internal ultrasound too. Go to your gp get some tests done x
You may have the lower back pain due to being constipated. It could also just be refered pain from your ovaries. Make sure your taking a laxative when on codiene. I usually use senna fruit as they are natural and work overnight.
Hey, I get this too - I have a cyst and suspected endo on my bowel. I find that being constipated (or gassy) makes my pain much worse. Of course the codeine does not help with this, and it can be a real vicious circle. I take dulcoease most days now, as well as wind-eze when I feel bloated. This has helped a lot! Also colpermin peppermint oil before meals which stops me getting so much cramping after eating.
I’m on mefenamic acid too and codeine. But also Decapeptyl and tibolone. I get the exact same pain as you. Sometimes it feels like shooting pain from back radiating to my upper back. I’m waiting for a laparoscopy. It’s crazy how we thing this pain is “normal”
Sorry to hear that Beth. I’m must admit I no longer take Mefenamic Acid, but I used it for a while. How often do you take it? The trick to these anti inflammatories is to start taking them a few days before you expect pain. So for me that would be the full week prior to my period. If you suffer from pain mostly when your period arrives start taking it a few days ahead. Remember to ask for something to protect your gut.
Personally I only take Codeine if I really must. Generally for ‘breakthrough’ pain (between doses) or if I’m doing something that can’t be avoided - like a meeting/school appointment etc
I think constipation is a very common side effect. I can only recommend keeping up your fluids and fibre. Maybe on the days you take medication add a soluble fibre to your diet?!? Hope you get relief soon 💛
Sorry Beth just re-read your question. I got distracted and wrote it after a visitor had left. So clearly not very helpful!
Hi Emma. I’m taking it every day with my meals. I have omeprazole as well. I’m in pain constantly regardless of my cycle. I bleed inbetween periods as well. Xx