I was booked in for my covid swab on Monday, got a phone call yesterday saying they are stopping doing them at the hospital I was ment to be having them done at which is an hour away anyway she said I would have to go even further away at another hospital!
Then I explained I lived an hour away when she said oh well you can see if you can get one done in your local area which is a lot better so yeah after a bit of stress and ringing around I explained when my operation is they said do it Friday so then it will definitely be back in time which is what I did went and had it done this morning which was horrible 😢
I got a phone call asking if I had had it done I said yes she was like that’s great I will update it on your file.
Then I got another phone call now long ago same person saying I’m really sorry but your going to have to have your swab again!! It needs to be done 3 days before your operation! 😩🤯
Sorry lengthy rant there. Thank xx