I've been suffering for many years but am saddened to say I honestly have hit rock bottom.
I have had another hospital admission due to a ruptured ovarian cyst. But again it was a fight to be taken seriously have scans ect. Once they read your history they automatically presume it's "just the endometriosis". I wouldn't have gone to the hospital but my G.P said if I didn't get someone to take me he would call an ambulance (I drove myself in the end but didn't tell him that).
When I finally got seen by the surgical team on my 3rd day they said it was the cyst and probably the adhesions... his actual words were "well we are just going to have to call a horse a horse or whatever the saying is"... meaning it's your Endo that's it.
I broke down and said I didn't want to be here (living) any more and I saw it broke my mum's and partners hearts. The Dr overheard and was going to call security (because I walked...crawled to the car) and keep me in for observation. However my partner convinced them that he would ensure I was safe.
But that feeling never went. I have been house-bound for nearly 2 weeks unable to work therefore had worries about money on top of the excruciating pain.
I actually felt like giving up the only thing that stopped me is how my family would feel if I did.
So I went to the Drs initally for an allergic reaction where my whole face has swollen and come out in a rash WHEN IT RAINS IT POURS! And I plucked up the courage to tell her how low I was... I told her I had suicidal thoughts and she was more interested in telling me how to apply the steroid cream she had just prescribed.
Anyway I have now been put on Citalopram 20mg and have been on them for 3 days now. I was wondering how many of you are on anti-depressants and if you think they work?
Sorry for the long winded rant and thanks in advance.