I spoke to my GP and he’s now trying me on the combined pill along side the mirena coil.
Does anyone have any experience with this?
I spoke to my GP and he’s now trying me on the combined pill along side the mirena coil.
Does anyone have any experience with this?
Hi Graduate2020
I did this last year and honestly it made me feel so much worse. I was looking back through my health diary so I could explain why and I found a list of reasons that I wrote down to give to my doctor to explain why I stopped taking it.
I don't want to put you off just because of my experience as I also had to have the coil taken out 3 months later.
Remember it is your choice.
Hey Melon365
Oh not very promising then at all. I am really struggling with pain killer as I’m allergic to soo much so this was the next option.
Oh that is rough! Have you decided what you will do?
I feel like at the minute it’s the only option my GP is giving me and it’s so difficult to get in contact with my gynaecologist so I feel like it’s my only option x
I can totally understand feeling that way but remember that you always have a choice. Don't do it unless you are sure you want to. I have taken hormones because I was so desperate for help and I couldn't see an alternative. If I had had my way I would not have chosen them as treatements because I knew they would make me feel horrible. Just make sure that this is 100% your choice xx
I have 3 gyn issues; Endo, adenomyosis, and fibroids. I’m on the mirena, nortulate and lupron. The lupron didn’t have too many side effects same with the Nortulate. The mirena is another story. I had it inserted in February during my lap. My scalp is so dry and itchy that I have scabs all over and my hair is falling out by the handfuls. My husband has to help clean my drain in the shower once a week because of how much is coming out. My doctor isn’t available for 3 more weeks so I’m stuck in limbo. I am pretty close to having it removed. The only thing that has kept me trying this long is that I can’t take the pill because I have thrombocytosis (Causes blood clots) and lupron alone wasn’t enough to keep my hormone regulated. I’m hoping things level off but after 5.5 months I’m almost done. I hope you have better luck as if they work properly they can be amazing.