Hello all, I'm so glad I've found my way onto this page so I can finally speak with people who can relate to this condition as when I speak with people who can't relate to it they just don't understand because it's not a visible condition. Apologies if I'm constantly popping up on this forum but this is such a revelation for me! I just want to confirm that I am yet to be diagnosed, however 4 doctors have told me that it's "barn door" endometriosis, one doctor even suggests that I could be at stage 4 but due to Covid everything has been put on hold.
Does anybody on here suffer with constant fatigue? I literally take a nap every day, I sometimes feel so tired that I could literally sleep anywhere at anytime, it was a joke for a long time in our household and sometimes people would call me lazy but I honestly struggle to stay awake for longer than 8-10 hours and I struggle with being energetic. I'm a very heavy sleeper, there has been occasions where I've slept for the 13-14 hours straight, sometimes I get home from work and can't even remember falling asleep and then I wake up the following morning in my work uniform. I even find myself falling asleep whilst working and in my previous job I was stood up all day and found myself going to the toilets to shut my eyes for 10 minutes almost every hour.