I was in extreme pain every month crippled on the floor, unable to move. My condition was missed for years by the doctors who refused to believe there was anything wrong with me, in extreme pain for three weeks out of four I eventually got an ultrasound scan which picked up a large mass.
I saw a gynaecologist and confirmed that I had endometriosis, I had it so severe that he had to bring in a bowel surgeon to remove 10 cm of Bowel and do a resection, the surgery took 7 hours as everything had fused together due to all the years my condition had been missed. I was in intensive care for three days. I have had eight more surgeries since then, I have also had confirmation that I have stage 4 endometriosis between my vagina and anus, I think they call this the Douglass Pouch. If I had surgery to remove this, then I could end up with a colostomy bag and a full hysterectomy.
I tried IVF 5 times but no eggs, i then tried IVF with donor eggs all top grade but no pregnancy at all. I am infertile, I have no children and all the IVF treatment has put me in early menopause, in one way this was devastating to me but on the other hand my periods stopped so I did not need to have surgery to remove the endometriosis from my Douglass Pouch.
I am now going through all the menopause symptoms naturally as I am unable to take HRT due to the endometriosis. I am so depressed sometimes that when I go to bed, I fall asleep thinking of how I can end my life, It’s bad enough everything that I have gone through but I am struggling with my hormones all over again, I am mostly depressed and I cry a lot, I feel anxious and scarred. I feel all alone with no one to talk to.