Hi I'm quite recently diagnosed with endometriosis requiring a lap. I have a number of adhesions including bowel.
While I wait for surgery I've been given GNHR analogues and HRT. I went to my GP surgery for the 1 month injection this Monday and asked my GP about how I could expect to feel/ any expected side effects? She just said ooh I would hope you don't get any side effects and told me the effect should be immediate.
I woke up the next morning feeling like I'd been hit by a bus. Since then I have had horrific pain, as if I have the worst period, I am utterly wrung out. Partly because I can't sleep - I've had 3-4 hrs sleep the last 2 nights. I've been awake since 2.30am last night. I have some weird bleeding but the pain is crippling and I am finding it distressing.
I've left a message for my surgeon and I'm going to call my GP tomorrow. The only thing that has got me through today is 2 scalding hot baths with Epsom salts, hot drinks, hot water bottle, paracetamol, mefenamic acid and oramorph.
Has anyone else had this experience? I've since done some reading that.suggests I shouldn't take the HRT yet. And that it takes 2 weeks to kick in.
I'd appreciate any advice that people can offer to help me get through this patch.