Hello all,
Hope you’re well.
Just a quick one to see if anyone else suffers from these symptoms from endo too, as my last 2 gynaecologist’s said that my symptoms are “rare” and they haven’t had other patients them selves with these symptoms. But I don’t really buy it! Haha
So I was diagnosed with endo at 20, after having symptoms for 7 years, many disrupted school days, college days work days.
I have a laparoscopy, they removed tissue and sent me on my way, a year later saying I should try the pill again but I was prescribed this at 13 to help the period pain... even tho it was endo.
Anyway to the symptoms, I have extreme pain the day I come on, it starts a few hours before I actually bleed, I have contractions, so severe I pass out, and then I sweat a lot, like all my hair is soaking, clothes drenched, along with the severe panic I go to the toilet (number 2) and throw up too, this all lasts around 2 hours, I get pins and needles and chest pain too, my legs go all numb/heavy. I have to lay down in a ball next to the toilet, that’s all I can do.
Then I go absolutely freezing, the pain/contractions ease, and I have shivering for about an hour, no matter how many blankets I have, my lips turn blue-ish, grey and My skin goes all mottled on my arms, legs.
Then bingo! I come on my period, left exhausted with some pain but the extreme part is over.
It’s really scary as this has happened at work, so many times and people call ambulances for me, I’ve been put on gas and air but it doesn’t do anything, the consultants at the hospital are left puzzled not understanding how this could be just the endo, but it is, and my gynaecologist just says I have and extreme case and I will need another laparoscopy.
Sorry a really long post here! Just wanted to get everything in.
Does anything else have this or heard of these symptoms? The sweating, bowel movements, bad circulation etc?
If so, are you on any medication for it?
Thank you so much in advance x