Unsure if my symptoms are Endometriosis? - Endometriosis UK

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Unsure if my symptoms are Endometriosis?

aloustu profile image
5 Replies

Sorry if this is long.

Just some background:

I’m currently 25. No babies, no pregnancies and no other gynaecological problems (or any health problems for that matter). I’m a healthy weight, BMI is 18.8 roughly. I started my periods when I was 12. For the most part they were always unproblematic. I did have usual uterine cramping the day my period started and sometimes the next day too but for the most part I was able to manage it. Occasionally I would have to take paracetamol. My periods usually last 4/5 days and I have never thought of them as being overly heavy. My cycle (which I have been keeping track of since 2013!) has usually always been 32-35 days which I know is longer for most people but has always been my normal. In between my periods was also unproblematic. My periods never interfered with my sex life or caused any problems. For most of my life, this was the case. I went to uni, studied midwifery and always managed fine even when working long shifts etc. As far as I’m aware there have been no gynaecological problems in my family nor have there been any fertility issues. I also don’t feel I have very strong mood swings or anything like that. Nor have I ever taken contraception (just always used condoms). My reason for this is because I have never been in a long term relationship so I don’t want to take it if I don’t absolutely need to (ie I’m having regular sex). I also don’t want to keep starting and stopping every time I start dating a new guy so I’d prefer to wait and start taking when I need it. Currently I definitely do not need it haha.

Another thing to note is that for most of my teenage years up until now I have always been sure I was able to feel when I was ovulating. I would feel an uncomfortable feeling at around my time of ovulation (I knew this because I tracked it) and I would only ever feel this on my left side, really low down, around where the ovary/fallopian tube would be. The only way I could describe the feeling is an intense pressure, like there is a bubble that will burst if I lay, moved or stretched a certain way. It can also be tender to touch and feels as though if I press to hard I will burst ‘it’ (not even really sure what it is). I’m not sure if that sounds totally crazy but it’s not just a cramping pain, it’s completely different. But this has happened most of my life since my period started and always just assumed it was ovulation pain

So over the last year I have been continuing to keep track of my period like normal. I started noticing that at around 10 days before my period began, I would start the get really painful left sided cramping several times a day for around 20 minutes a time. So for the 10 days before my period I would have daily left sided (only left sided) cramping every single day for 20 minutes each time. It feels completely different to general period cramps (that I would have on the day of my period). Over time this cramping has gotten worse and even wakes me in the night. That had never happened with my ‘usual cramping’, it was never bad enough to wake me in the night. When it does wake me it is so painful on the left side and feels as though someone is sticking a knife right into that particular area. I literally roll around my bed until it eases of. It will last around 20 minutes each time. I don’t usually take pain relief as by the time that kicks it, the cramping will be easing off. I also swear that peeing, bowel movements, coughing, sneezing, excessive bending etc will trigger this cramping. In midwifery we sometimes refer to pregnant women as having an ‘irritable’ uterus. Basically meaning their uterus is contracting and they feel it as a painful contraction however they are absolutely not in labour (different to Brixton hicks). This is the only way I can explain what I feel. It’s as tough certain things I do will irritate my uterus (I’m not even sure if that is possible in an un pregnant uterus). I’m also sure that if I had sex during this time that afterwards the cramping would be triggered because my uterus will be ‘irritated’. I know it sounds crazy but I feel like I know my body very well and I pay close attention to how I feel and when. If I wake up at 5am needing to pee (and it’s within the 10 days before my period) I know that once I return I will have to deal with the horrible cramping and every time that is the case.

In the end, every time my period comes I get my usual cramping the day of, which I usually feel centrally (so not left sided) and it feels completely different. It’s much more bearable. My period will last 4/5 days (not too heavy) and be gone again.

For the last three months I have also noticed that I have been getting really bad left sided back pain every time I have the cramps (this had never happened before). The back pain is directly behind where I feel it on the front but it feels so deep in my back. My instinct is to press really hard on it to try and get some relief. Also this month the cramping has started 14 days before my period is due (currently on 11 days till my period) I feel like last months has just gone and I’m already having symptoms of this months :(. My worry is that IF this is endometriosis, that it could be getting worse. However I have no idea if my symptoms sound at all like endo. I don’t have anyone that I know who has the condition and of the people that I do explain my symptoms to, I’m pretty sure they think I am crazy.

Does it sound at all like endo? Obviously I know it has to be diagnosed by a medical professional but I’m just looking to see if anyone has ever had similar symptoms. I know it could also be cysts, fibroids etc.

Thanks for reading and congratulations if you made it to the end 🥳

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aloustu profile image
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5 Replies
Moon_maiden profile image

I’d say get it checked definitely, the uterus can definitely do odd things, I’ve never been pregnant, but never had good periods and now it’s playing merry havoc 🤣. Apparently it thinks it’s 14-16 wk size, plus fibroids.

Only diagnosed end last year with endo.

If you work at a hospital your in a great position to speak to one of the gynaecologists, probably easier to show your post. Has to be some advantage to get advice. Other people get perks in other jobs.

Better not to let any of it get worse, I’m going through trying not to regret.

Some have no symptoms and only find out they have Endo when they can't get pregnant. You could indeed have a cyst but also maybe Endo growing on your ovary... and yes do let it get checked with an ultrasound and/or MRI. Mind you it could be so superficial that they cant see it so keep that in mind if it comes back negative. Good luck

A1LIN profile image

Hey, sorry you’re having these pains, everyone’s condition is different and your endo could be different to someone else’s. Since it’s on the left side specifically that could be where the aggravation is.

I would get an ultrasound and physical examination when you can to determine the cause of pain.

For now, maybe think about an anti-inflammatory diet to ease the pain and google protocol for endo pain, there should be some really good tips for easing pain even though you don’t know it’s endo yet.

Stay well.

Linz010 profile image

This sounds exactly the same as my symptoms! Your post makes 100% sence to me

I've been going backwards and forwards to the docs for 3 years with the same pain as you aswell as back pain and bowel problems, I've had scans swabs examinations all have been clear so doc eventually sent me to a gyne, the gyne listened to my symptoms and sent me off with a prescription for 3 month zoladex I didnt know what it was for (she was horrible and rude hence why I didnt ask questions I just wanted to get out) so I went back to the docter to get the zoladex put in and she explained to me that the gyne thinks I have endo, I was a bit shocked because I always thought that endo was heavy painful periods and I've never really suffered with that just pain around ovulation

Been on zoladex for 2 month now and all the pain has stopped even my back pain and bowel pain

Laurak26 profile image


Sorry to jump on an old post - your symptoms sound quite similar to mine. Did you get a diagnosis in the end?

Laura x

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