23 had a laparoscopy, no endometriosis bu... - Endometriosis UK

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23 had a laparoscopy, no endometriosis but the pain is crippling still.

5 Replies

I'm new, looking for advice...

I had a laparoscopy 3 years ago in which "something" found was removed but no evidence of Endometriosis, but the nurse said they were 99% sure it was, however a biopsy proved negative for endometriosis a few weeks later.

No follow up or anything but I continued on my merry way and after a few months the symptoms slowly crept in again, I went on contraception to deal with ovulation pain which had previously caused agonising pain and was frankly terrifying. This helped for a while but there was still some pain and the side affect's were horrendous. Throughout this whole time I was getting thrush monthly, sometimes twice and UTI's.

I have managed to cope with the thrush and learnt how to prevent it, through diet and moisturising creams but I know that having to previously take antifungals for weekly 3-months stints, probably also isn't normal.

Saturday 18th at 11:30pm cramps started (I was ovulating at this point) and by 12am I was shaking, sweating, neaseous, crying, curled up feeling like what I imagine contractions to feel like (again to going to put it out there and say this isn't normal. lol)

My most recent diagnosis was "Mittelshmerz" (a year or so ago)

Anyone going through the same thing?

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5 Replies
AllthatGlitters profile image

Hi. Yes me. Your symptoms of crippling pain , like labour is what to go through. Heavy bleeding, blood issues, bloating.

Have you had an MRI?

I have endometriosis and adenomyosis (adeno is only diagnosed via MRI) so without this I wouldn’t know I had it or should I say it wouldn’t have been officially given a name.


in reply to AllthatGlitters

Hi, thank you for replying!! I don’t actually bleed that heavily, it’s definitely not light but not super heavy. I have a GP appointment to start the whole process again, hoping to get abit further this time.

I haven’t had an MRI but part of me feels that a lot of people here are suffering way worse than me. I just worry about the future and fertility issues

XenaB profile image

I had similar pain experience with a cyst, the doctors denied it could be causing the pain, but I had a high rate of UTIs and then thrush from the UTI treatment . It went when my cyst was removed , but crept back after 6 or so years , and now Endo is 99% suspected , although my womb lining looks normal and no Endo tissue has been found.

I'm not sure what to advise, other than to keep making a fuss, the more you make a fuss and cry , the more you should get taken seriously .

When I had really bad episodes , I was taken in by ambulance and given morphine as I was crying ,vomiting, shaking , sweating , my blood pressure dropped really low , this ended up about once a month at one point. Basically every time I came on.

Certainly I gave up coffee at that point , it made the pain worse. I also found alcohol could irritate the pain too. But seriously, it's not normal and we should not be expected to accept it . Sugar is another thing that I have heard can irritate the pain.

I hope you get some answers and medication soon. I have been trying the CBD oil as that helped, but I have been put off after reading about companies selling spice oil instead ! Which sent people psychotic 😱. So please ask your doctor instead of buying it online!!!

Endobex profile image

I get pain exactly what you are describing, collapsed in IKEA with it, stabbing rhs pelvic pain. Feinted off , they called an ambulance for me, ended up in a&e. I get the pain every month, 3 times ended up in a&e nearly having my appendix whipped out! Used to be at ovulation time, but has now moved to the end of my period. Also painful cramps 3 or 4 days before period, heavy bleeding during period but milder cramping. awaiting my laparoscopy and hysteroscopy, dreading the same result as you!!

Endobex , XenaB and AllthatGlitters - I have just come back from my GP appointment, they have said I suffer from Mittelschmerz and I’m really unlucky that it’s particularly painful, it’s just my biology and genetics and I will have to stop ovulating to stop the pain. They don’t think it’s endo or pcos (which I am very relieved about) but I’m not sure this was quite the outcome I hoped for. There isn’t much known about it and I will just have to hope the next episode isn’t as severe. However I’m glad that the doctor noted that it said on his “medical google” it can feel like an acute appendicitis but rarely (so at least I’m not going mad) thanks for your advice. X

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