Hiya everyone, a big thank you to everyone who responded to my first post I was overwhelmed with the support. After speaking to my Nan over the weekend I found out that both of my aunties and their mum (my Nan) had to have hysterectomies in their 30s for very bad periods. Endo was confirmed with one of my aunties but not my Nan or other auntie. My auntie who has Endo has a daughter (my cousin) who is 16 suffering extremely painful periods at the moment...could it be possible that it runs in the family making it more likely that I could have Endo too? (Previous post referred to my symptoms and current wait to see a specialist for a second opinion) thank you xx
Endo - does it run in the family? - Endometriosis UK
Endo - does it run in the family?
Hi, I have read that it is believed that endo can run in families. My auntie had endo and it's just recently been confirmed that I do too! Hope you manage to get a diagnosis soon and hope you get lots of support! X X X
Nobody in my family has endo or adeno x for some reason I have managed to get it x
My mum and her sister both had hysterectomies in their mid forties and extensive endometriosis was found in both. My consultant believes the same is probably the case for me (I'm booked in for a hysterectomy for severe pain, excessive bleeding) but dont have a diagnosis for endo yet - consultant thinks laparoscopy is not necessary for me as hysterectomy would need to go ahead regardless of what was found, so I guess I'll find out afterwards if I have endo or not!
My mum had problems but it was always assumed it was fibroids but she had a hysterectomy in her 30s I think she may have gone undiagnosed because she talked of bad periods etc
I have only been diagnosed with endometriosis at the age of 51 after years of symptoms, treated mainly with repeated antibiotics that gave me secondary infections... However I have been thinking a lot about my maternal grandmother and how much she suffered through her life: every month she was sick for a week, she had a sensitivity to foot like IBS, I remember what she used to say about certain foods and how particular she was about food, she also had a fibroid with haemorrhage, i think its for this that her husband was told not to visit for a full week as she was between life and death, then a hysterectomy when she was 50. This was in the 50s, no HRT, no medical support. Over the last year, I have often thought about her and how much she must have suffered, Im pretty sure she had endo, but no one knew about it. I find it uncanny the similarities between her history and mine. I spent a lot of my school holidays with her and she is someone I still miss every day. She was a very strong woman, although not tall physically. She had a heart of gold. Im not sure I could go through what she went through (2nd ww, babies, refugee, restarting a business from scratch, all her children were professionally qualified by 60s because she valued education). So, yes, I think that in some cases it runs in families. Xx😊
Yes, endometriosis almost always runs in the family. If it doesn't, other autoimmune conditions tend to run. It's an immune-based disease which is often found in association with autoimmune conditions. No one in my family had endometriosis other than my aunt but almost everyone has an autoimmune condition (psoriasis, Hashimoto's, fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis).
I guess it just depends... My mum and her sister both have endo and I have it too... However mine seems to be more severe than my mum as she never had excision surgery and yet I will have to... *sigh*
Hi I strongly believe it does now run in the family I was diagnosed september 2018for sudden lower back pain, my sister 6months later who is 7 years older than me was diagnosed with the same stage 4 endo. I had my lap in August and she is due to go to hers with the same surgeon this thursday.
Yes endo runs in d family