Who has decided to come off the pill? If ... - Endometriosis UK

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Who has decided to come off the pill? If so was it difficult?

Suzileverell profile image
5 Replies

Hi everyone,

I had a hospital appointment the other day to talk about my gut problems that I have been suffering with for a long time. I get really bad bloting and bloody poos about once a month allong with pain and other endo symptoms. Although no endo was found during a lap I had last year they did find scaring and adhesions. The Dr at the hospital said I must come off the pill because it is damaging my gut badly! He also said all the antibiotics and pain killers I've been on hasn't done it any good. I have been on a vegan diet for about a year now and he said because of that my symptoms will be okay once I am off the pill. He did say it will be painful at first but after that I'll be better for it.

Has anyone else experienced this? I am really scard to do it because about 5 years ago before I started taking it my periods were so painful and heavy. Any advice and other people's experiences would be much appreciated. Xx

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Suzileverell profile image
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5 Replies
Hannah0091 profile image

Hey, it’s a really hard decision to make and I think only you can make it. Even if the Dr gives you advice one way I would still do what you think is best. I have tried to come off the pill after being on it for 11 years and that was the start of me getting diagnosed. I also have gut problems and get the poo bleeds. I use Acidophils healthy bacteria from Holland and Barrett that really help me. But you can buy things like plant based kefir online that are vegan. For me personally I know that I’m going to really have a hard time coming off the pill. Currently I’m having GnRh treatment but after this I’m not sure what’s ahead as when I tried to come off it before I had a bad flare up that left me in bed for a few months off work. But endo is different for each and everyone of us so whilst I may really dread coming off it because of the huge amounts of pain another person may be okay. Would it be worth looking into something like the coil as the hormones will be local and just in the pelvis (I’m not sure if that makes a difference to the bowl) it might be worth looking into gut healing foods too I know you said you follow a vegan diet but sometimes this may be hard on digestive system. I hope this helps x

Suzileverell profile image
Suzileverell in reply to Hannah0091

Oh gosh sounds like you have had a hard time I hope you get sorted soon.

That's interesting I might have to ask about the coil. I am quite warried because I know how much pain Iwas in before I started. The Dr did ask me what foods ect I'm eating and he seemed convinced because of that the pain will go away after a while. Hopefully it'll work I'm dreading the next couple of weeks. Thank you for your help x

Mussya profile image

Have different experience so can’t answer your question directly, but regarding the diet - suggest trying removing gluten too, for me it made a huge difference.

It looks like endo is very varied and behaves differently for different women, and we all have to try out things ourselves to understand how we will react. Probably not very helpful, hope things will work out for you!

Tracey4668 profile image

Long term use of painkillers will eventually damage your stomach lining. My oh takes lanzaprole (excuse spelling) as he had disc problems which he was taking naproxen and cocadomal daily. I've never heard the pill doing that but I am not medically trained.

I came off the pill because we were ttc. My periods are heavier and more painful. My endo pain is far worse off the pill.

We are all different though so this is just me.

The pill is used to control heavy periods and endo pain (coil to) so am confused how he thinks you'd be better? Maybe the coil would be better because it's not tablet? Not sure if this is an option for you as it's not for everyone x

kate24601 profile image

I found hormones did so much crap to my body that coming off them made me feel 100% better. I had hair loss, gum infections, anxiety, bad skin, horrible headaches and came off it a year and a half ago and haven't looked back. I get the odd twinge and my periods are only a little bit worse, but I discovered naproxen works wonders and I can actually stay at work while taking these (only take 2/3 a day for the 3 days my period pain is worse). As for the daily pain, a lot of it went after I came off the pill as the hormones and trying to supress periods were just making me feel worse.

In terms of damaging the stomach lining, I think the pill and painkillers associated with coming off it would both be as bad as each other. I have an awful gut and have given up gluten, dairy, caffiene and red meat and have found that to drastically improve it. Might be a trail and error thing til you find what works for you, but if it's just the doctor telling you to come off it and you don't want to, then I wouldn't listen to them! Lots of people stay on the pill for many years and there are probably diet changes that can help minimise symptoms, but good luck with it all! x

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