Little bit of a rant here...
I was diagnosed with endo in April after my first laparoscopy. Finally had my follow up appointment with my surgeon today and I'm feeling a little bit confused and angry - back to square one!
I told him I'd had no relief since the surgery, having experienced daily period pain, constant headaches, irregular bowel movements, stabbing pain in my side, fatigue, and anxiety. Basically, all the symptoms I had before my op. My period was also unbearable but I was expecting my first one to be pretty painful.
Anyway my surgeon has said as there was only minimal endo, and it's now all gone, my symptoms can't be the result of endometriosis. I don't know whether to believe this and attempt to 'regulate my bowels' by increasing fibre and drinking more water, as my surgeon advised, or assume that it's still the endo.
Has anyone ever experienced this? I trust in him as he must have seen many women in the same situation, but I find it hard to believe I have anything else wrong as my symptoms are textbook endo! Any advice would be appreciated xxx