Having just had a very relaxing weeks holiday doing not much, i’ve come to the depressing realisation of how much easier it is to manage my pain and symptoms when I can actually listen to my body, sleep in when I’ve had a bad night and stop and rest when the pain gets bad.
Being back at work has made me realise how bad dragging myself through 40 hours a week in pain and exhausted really is for my physical and mental health. I don’t really know how i’m supposed to keep going in the long term, as I feel constantly burned out and miserable, but we’re short staffed so I can’t take any time off to try and catch up.
I take every painkiller I have and cling to a hot water bottle, but what I really need is just more sleep, and i’m already going to bed at 8:30/9 most nights just to manage as it is. I’ve brought up working from home but my boss is being annoyingly non-committal, anyone have any tips for working full time and managing pain and tiredeness?