Hi everyone! Brilliant forum. So glad I've found it.
I've recently been diagnosed with a large endrometrioma on both ovaries (diagnosed by an mri and ultrasound), so they are going to take my ovaries out, I'm just waiting for my appointment.
Anyway I've been having pain in my left leg for months now but never thought it was connected, plus pain in my coccyx for years. I've read that maybe that can be due to endometriosis? But I don't know what to do because I never mentioned these areas of pain to the consultant because I never imagined it was connected. Do you think when the laparoscopy is done, will they search around that far back? Where my coccyx and nerves are? Does anyone know if I'll have a chance to ask them to do that or do you think that would have to be a seperate lap?
Thanks in advance