Hi all,
Anyone any experience of waiting times at Pinderfields? Had my laporoscopy in May but as they found severe endometriosis all over the place so no removal of endo, fibroids or hysterectomy. Was referred to Pinderfields for surgery but as yet have not been called for an appointment.
How long have people waited for appointment and after that how long did you wait for surgery?
Really worried its been 2 years to get to this point in May for surgery and now i seem to be starting again with bsge centre all the while the endo will be getting worse.
Originally had it excised in 2003 and had marina for 13 years and all was good, but its back again! Lets hope its not another 2 years before my next surgery. Had 2 years of various hormone treatments whihch were awful and none worked so now nothing, just waiting for surgery.
Hope somebody has positives re Pinderfields.