Hey I had my operation last week , I know they’ve done something to my belly button but I can’t actually see the stitches it’s like they’ve taken my belly button in and made it smaller , I know that sounds really weird has anyone experienced that ?
Stitches in my belly button after lap ? - Endometriosis UK
Stitches in my belly button after lap ?

Hi could you tell me what it was for? I had to have a Sygmoidoscopy and am also having irritation around my navel and gurgling noises when I lie down at night also wind. Seeing my doctor tomorrow.
Yeah, it's odd, feels weird mentally, like it's not your belly button anymore!
It's the swelling and stuff, it'll take a while to calm down. I was so worried with mine because it was smaller after my lap and had a kind of flap of skin in it. I don't know why but that bothered me even more than the scars on either side of my stomach and the one in my bikini line! Fast forward about 4 months and it looked more mine, about another 6 months later it's all fine and just a little scar inside, flap of skin gone too, normal sized and looking belly button again
Oh the stitches - mine only showed about two weeks after lap - then another two weeks to fall out - they were the dissolvable ones.
Hope your recovery is going well xx
It’s honestly the strangest thing I feel like I’ve just got a new belly button it’s much smaller and it’s like the skin inside is twisted but I can’t see the bottom of it or anything it looks fine but I can feel pain lol . Aww but thanks for that , you’ve been really reassuring and I have hope it will go back to normal 😂😂 glad I’m not the only one and yeah I think I’ve got those too the dissolvable ones so don’t have to worry ! And aw I’m feeling much better today I’ve removed all the butterfly stitches which I was scared too but it was fine . Done a little 10 min house work and my bodies in pain so going to lay back down but feel tons better !! It’s amazing how quick your body can heal ! Thanks for your message hun !
Oh my goodness mine had the flap too, I remember being so high on morphine crying saying I looked like I ha a willy coming out of it. However as soon as the swelling went away so did the willy 😂😂😂
Yes mine still looked weird and all closed up, my stitches are still there after 6 months. Dissolvable ones which are taking forever x
Really everyone is saying that they take forever to go , I’ve got dissolvable ones too but I’ve also got like this hard bit of plastic sticking out each of them which makes it so uncomfortable to sleep . Hope they hurry up and go poor you !
Mine was the same after my second lap in Feb and I was so upset! It does feel more normal when the swelling and stitches are gone though x
I had. The desolovable stitches. And they ended up cut out after 6 weeks because they was not desolving and I was not healing propley and my belly button had three stitches and it feel weird and. Have some strange pain. Every now agein. X
Oh wow how stressful ! Yes the belly button pain is not nice at all but it’s so odd because I can’t see any stitches it just looks a lot smaller but fine haha . But wow still getting pain after 6 weeks . Hope it passes soon I’m on day 6 after my lap but I still feel awful I feel much better like in my self but I’m so tired all the time I’m meant to be going back to work next week not to sure how I done a little cleaning for 10 mins and I was so exhausted 😩
Hi sophi, I’m currently waiting on my diagnostic laparoscopy, however I had a laparoscopy for an appendicitis a couple years back. My belly button is completely different to how it used to be. I have to admit I cried when I first saw it, because of how different it was. Yet now I love it, mine has a cut on the bottom of my belly button an then it’s also stitched from the inside making it smaller but also more lined shaped.
I had disolvable stitches in my belly button after lap. It looks more weird as I'm 35wks pregnant. Doesn't even resemble a belly button at all, just stretched skin pulled over. x
Oh really oh gosh I hope it goes back to normal for you !! I wish they kinda of explained before hand then I would had been so shocked when I removed the dressing lol
I went to have my stitches taken (ripped) out a week post lap and when I got home and cleaned up I found a 4th stitch right at the base of my bellybutton. Since it's healed and fell out, the bellybutton feels smaller and I can't touch it at all like I could before without it feeling weird!
When I had surgery 2 years ago I’ve got to admit I cried my eyes out, to be fair I was very tired and on morphine for four days. When it was swollen it just looked so bizarre and frankly looked like I had a willy coming out of it. 2years later the swelling all gone and i absolutely love my belly bottom it’s a reminder of what I’ve gone through and it’s also more lined shape then circular so makes my belly look longer, making me look taller, which is a great thing for me😂 I had surgery yesterday and have seen a sneak of my belly button but I’m a bit hesitant to be honest I feel in love with my belly button and if it’s different it’s gonna take some adjusting😂 I know the swelling has cause another willy😂 thankfully it will go😂🙃
Hey, do you have any update on what it’s like now? I had my lap last week and I’m absolutely distraught at the look of my belly button! x
Hey hun , it’s absolutely fine now it’s gone back to normal the only thing is I get pain from time to time inside it it’s about strange but it looks the same as before so don’t worry once your healed and all the swelling has gone it should go back to normal , hope you have a quick recovery xx
I had a lap 15th August as I was diagnosed with endo last yr September. My belly button incision healed within 3 weeks. you can't see the stitches as my surgeon concealed it very well. but my belly button has changed, it's more like a tinny button now than a outie.
Did anyone have the outside of the belly button stick out after surgery? I had surgery 4 days ago and the cartilage around the hole kind of feels like its sticking out!
I'm scared it's not going to go back now... did this happen to anyone else?
Yep! Was so odd. My post op report said they had made 4 incisions and I could only see 3. And while they were all neat and barely noticeable I couldn't stop staring at my new bellybutton. There was blood coming out of it a few days. I've always had a straight slit for a belly button. I've had multiple laps and they've never touched it. This recent time, I was sure they had basically opened it up and gave me a new one if that makes sense. It healed well though and it's nowhere near as odd looking since the swelling went away.

Yeah that's what it feels like! A whole new belly button!