Hi all! Very new to this so bear with. Had my diagnostic lap 2 weeks ago, found widespread endometriosis and it was subsequently removed. Only problem I have now is the feeling of pain and pulling sensation in my belly button where I believe stitches were? The pain ranges from moderate to severe. Was treated for an infection due to weeping for 6 days with antibiotics but it’s still weeping and there’s some sort of white flesh wound/substance on the left side of my inside belly button? It also happens that the most pain is on the left side of my belly button when feeling the pulling sensation every time I move and stand up/sit down. Just wondering if this white thing is some kind of suture or stitch? It doesn’t weep, it’s just there and has been there since I came out of hospital two weeks ago. Has anyone else had trouble with their stitches post lap for over a week post op? I’ve had a lap choly 7 years ago and had to have stitches removed from my belly button due to an infection that wouldn’t subside so just wondering if anyone thinks I need to get the stitches out and redone, or if it’s just healing super slow?
Thank you in advance to anyone who replies, and sorry for the super long description! Going to contact my hospital regardless but would love to hear if anyone else had similar issues?
A 🌸