I had my laparoscopy on the 13th June and my incisions haven’t fully healed yet, how long have other people waited to go back to the gym normally like doing weights and stuff? Before my op I was going about 4/5 times a week so I’m climbing the walls not being able to go and just want to go back as soon as possible really
How long to wait until you go to the gym ... - Endometriosis UK
How long to wait until you go to the gym post op

I had my laparoscopy on 31st May and I also go to the gym about 5 times a week. My first question was how long do I need to wait, they told me 6 weeks! But I’ve known other people go back before then however I’ve just stuck to what they’ve said I’ve only got 5 days then I can go back, it’s been driving me crazy not going
I’ve asked every doctor/nurse I’ve seen and they’ve all had different answers so it’s really annoying, I might try going back this week and just doing cardio and then seeing how I go from there, 5 days isn’t too long now at least! It’s just so annoying not being able to go!
Well I was going to just do cardio but then I walk too and from work so that’s last thing I wanted to do. Also I’ve still had really bad pain in my hip and thigh so I can at least say it’s been bad and I’ve not been doing anything really exercise wise. It’s frustrating though I think it’s more lifting weights that would cause an issue when I had my appendix out I couldn’t go to the gym for 2 weeks then it was just gradual
Yeah I’m currently a barmaid so I have quite an active job so I’m not sure if I want to do cardio too, it’s just so annoying because I use the gym to deal with things emotionally as it makes me feel so much better!
I had my lap on 1 April and first went back to the gym on 1 May but just treadmill and rowing machine. I’m not one to really do any heavy weights anyway but I remember doing some light weights about a week after going back and feeling a twinge so just stopped right away. Also strained something playing with me nephew about six weeks after so just be careful
I'm exactly the same. Climbing the walls. My doc said I could go to the gym after 2 weeks post op providing I feel fine but to be very gradual with it. So I'm going to do very low impact exercise such as the bike, walking on the treadmill. Then gradually build it up from there.

Yeah that’s a good idea! I’m almost 4 weeks post op now but my belly button hasn’t fully come together yet and healed properly so I’ve been trying to wait for that to get better
There are stories on this forum of people opening up their incisions by overdoing it at the gym too soon after. Please be careful! The first time I went back to the gym I basically pretended I was an old lady, which helped. You can’t worry about what other people think when you’re walking on the treadmill at 3 miles an hour or whatever! xx
Please be careful, you will have internal stitches and cuts that will be much more extensive than the external scars. These take months to fully heal.
It is better to wait longer and take it easy than tear something accidentally. The doctors told me swimming is the best because it is low impact.
I waited until it didn't feel tight when I stretched if that makes any sense? I think it was about 6/7 weeks before I went back to gym