Pain and pain management during pregnancy - Endometriosis UK

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Pain and pain management during pregnancy

Misss_r3d profile image
2 Replies

Hi all,

I'm new here and have found a lot of support in reading other people's posts/comments.

I am in first trimester of pregnancy (6/7 weeks) and have endometriosis (right ovary). I am getting quite a lot of endo like pain. I have had some fairly mixed messages from health professionals about what I should do if I'm in severe pain (from 'try to ignore it/manage it' to 'get in touch urgently with a health care professionals'). From what I have read on here, it sounds like - for endo women - pain during pregnancy and especially first trimester is fairly normal. I have had an early (private) scan which showed the baby in the right place and a heart beat.

I'm really looking for some reassurance and advice...

1/ have other people had pain in first trimester that feels very similar to endo pain?

2/ how have you managed the pain and have you taken codeine/opiates? Prior to pregnancy I took paracetamol/ibuprofen/codeine combo. Was told not to take ibuprofen but that paracetamol ok and codeine could be used 'sparingly' but to be avoided in third trimester if possible.

Any comments gratefully received!

Thank you


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2 Replies
Sfarre profile image

Hi, I'm 36 weeks pregnant and can categorically tell you that I've suffered with endo pains and pain directly caused by endo my entire pregnancy. I do remember the pains being present and rough during first trimester. The growing pains are a challenge and what I was never told before pregnancy is that the pulling on the endo lesions - or surgery scars - can be very intense. I got by that time using hot water bottles, regular hot baths and even an electric blanket (although for me this was during winter!). Sadly all of this developed into endo related PGP (pelvic girdle pain) which made me almost disabled from week 18 onwards. I was completely floored when I saw a PGP specialist and she told me that the reason I couldn't walk is due to endometriosis! But through regular manual therapy it's been manageable and I've managed to stay off crutches but my physical activity has been necessarily reduced to zero. Even walking up stairs is a massive endeavour right now.

You might hear some conflicting advice about codeine, particularly from your midwife, but I doubt I would have survived this pregnancy without it. I'm still taking it every night so I can sleep. The last obstetrician I saw a few weeks ago said that as long as it's maximum of 60mg daily, it's fine to take up to and including the day of going into labour. I try to save my dosage for when trying to rest or for particularly bad moments in my day. It hasn't affected baby growth or weight at all, in fact I'm expecting a 9lbs+ 'big' baby. Heat still helps too, and I've found as I've gone along my pregnancy that increasingly I have a SPD burning sensation that is best alleviated by an ice pack actually.

Sorry if this is completely not what you wanted to hear, and I do hope for other ladies with endo that my experience has been an extreme one, but it would have helped me with a lot of surprises and heartache if I'd known going in that is to be expected. Best of luck with everything.

Misss_r3d profile image

Thanks so much for your reply. Really helpful to hear your experiences - I’m sorry pregnancy has been so painful for you. wishing you lots of luck

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