Private as bad as NHS!: Warning, this is a... - Endometriosis UK

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Private as bad as NHS!

Lunar97 profile image
22 Replies

Warning, this is a rant! You lovely ladies don't have to read all this! So I go private for my first laparoscopy which was yesterday. I am told to arrive at 8 am so I can have blood tests done in time for having the procedure at 12. I was nil by mouth so hadn't eaten since 5pm the day before and I was left to wait with no water for nearly 6 hours. The Dr carrying out my lap arrived an hour and a half late. He then leaves me to wait till 3pm (at this point my headache caused me to throw up my stomach acid as it was empty) and says 'we don't have the instruments so you'll have to wait till 6pm or reschedule'. Of course I opted to reschedule as I was almost at point of fainting. As if I wasn't under enough stress in the first place! Oh and laps aren't cheap! Anyone else have to go through something like this? Feel like the whole world is against me.

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Lunar97 profile image
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22 Replies
Xroisinellenx profile image

That’s ridiculous!! How could they leave you that long! I’m so sorry you had to go through that. Having an op done is stressful enough without being messed around! I really hope you have complained about it. Xx

Lunar97 profile image
Lunar97 in reply to Xroisinellenx

Thank you, I know! I shall definitely complain about it. They can't get away with messing people around, especially if they are paying to avoid just that. Xx

luthien profile image
luthien in reply to Lunar97

Ah no sorry you've had to go through that :(

Definitely complain as they shouldn't have messed you around like that.

If they gave you the choice of wait or go home and reschedule then make sure you weren't charged anything for the time you were there including lap, consultant fees, hospital stay etc. And that you have another date booked xx

Lunar97 profile image
Lunar97 in reply to luthien

Thanks for the advice, I am in the process of making sure I haven't been charged. Xx

EndoJaz profile image

I know how u feel, I geared myself up for hyst 2 yrs ago and went in at 7 in the morn, 4pm told cancelled...I was fuming and had to wait a month. Its ur whole emotional state of mind not to mention the practical planning to have an op, do they not realise this. Make sure u complain and complain...makes me so mad that we r shoved to the bottom of the pile all the endo back as they left ovaries April appt has been shoved to Aug! So mad with it all x

Lunar97 profile image
Lunar97 in reply to EndoJaz

You poor thing, that is horrendous. It breaks my heart to see this happen to us, why indeed are we shoved to the bottom of the pile? I'm fuming too, not helping my anxiety or depression. X

EndoJaz profile image
EndoJaz in reply to Lunar97

I went private too but was told I had a femoral hernia so went back to nhs for op who then couldn't find any hernia although it apparently showed up on scans. Wasted a whole yr chasing that. Now finally gynae say it's endo after giving full symptom diary but have to wait until Aug...all I can see is a long long road of pain until hard to live day to day life pretending to be cheerful. It's so hard isn't it. X

Lunar97 profile image
Lunar97 in reply to EndoJaz

Bloody hell, yes it is extremely hard. Dealing with something like this really proves that medical science is the least advanced of sciences :( x

I feel that I have to stick up for the hospital here... For a lunchtime operation you could have eaten up until midnight. For nil-by-mouth, you don't get water to drink even with an NHS hospital, even throwing up water will cause problems during an op. Emergencies do happen, even in a private hospital, but your specialist could have had one in an NHS hospital beforehand; they don't work exclusively in one hospital. If you had a headache, a member of staff could have given you something. You won't be charged for something which didn't happen.

Put a complaint in writing to PALS.

Lunar97 profile image

I see where you're coming from however, I'm more dissapointed about being left in the dark with what was going to happen. There was a severe lack of communication between staff. The nurses had no idea what was going on. A nurse gave me paracetamol which of course I threw up.

Purple873 profile image

You have every right to be angry, hopefully your complaint will be taken seriously and you will not be charged any extra for the inconvenience.

I'm trying to see a private doctor just to see if there's a reason behind my symptoms which is a nightmare in itself. The next stop for me is 3.5 hour journey to London to see a gynecologist without a GP referral. Why is it such hard work for women's problems to be taken seriously?

Lunar97 profile image
Lunar97 in reply to Purple873

I have no idea why it's so hard for us to convince health care professionals that we are suffering and need help. It feels like we are a minority. I feel like having a march outside the Norfolk and Norwich! I hope the appointment in London goes well, you shouldn't have to travel so far just to be listened to.

dundee70 profile image

For a 12 pm op you could have eaten at 6 am with a small glass of water 2 hours before op. That’s the advice we give out at our hospital :)

Lunar97 profile image
Lunar97 in reply to dundee70

They didn't tell me that :(

Magnolia18 profile image
Magnolia18 in reply to Lunar97

And I'm so sorry you had such a rubbish experience, but sure to put a complaint in. Emergencies happen but the lack of communication was horrendous and not fair on you x

Lunar97 profile image
Lunar97 in reply to Magnolia18

Thank you x

Magnolia18 profile image
Magnolia18 in reply to dundee70

Same at the hospital I work at x

yomomma profile image

You'll be fine. Just rescedual and let it go. The health care system sucks and is all about the $$$$. I've had to rescedual many a times. I emphytize with you.

Ala2189 profile image


StefaniaJW profile image

My advice is to just make sure it is an experienced excision surgeon who will perform surgery on you. Please, choose wisely. Sounds like a crappy private to me honestly :(

BBBOA profile image

As per previous response, the consultant had probably been doing NHS work beforehand. It's scandalous that we end up having to go private to see the same consultant just sooner. Hope you get your op soon. So frustrating. I keep having to postpone my surgery pending drug allergy testing, as I'm allergic to most painkillers and I can't have surgery until they find a safe one. Having to wait and wait and wait, so feel your pain!

Lunar97 profile image
Lunar97 in reply to BBBOA

I know, it's sickening. Bless you, that's awful, this is all bad enough without being allergic to pain killers. I wish you all the best and hope they find an alternative soon.

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