Day after laparoscopy: I had the... - Endometriosis UK

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Day after laparoscopy

Robynco profile image
18 Replies

I had the laparoscopy yesterday and I'm in agony. There are four cuts and they are sore but its the gas that's causing the most pain and I'm struggling to breathe properly. They removed the cyst on my ovary and they said the fallopian tubes look fine but the endometriosis has gone on to my liver.

Hopefully will feel better tomorrow

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Robynco profile image
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18 Replies
Lou93 profile image

I found that having a hot water bottle made me feel comfy and keeping on top of my pain relief tramadol was my best friend after mine. Plenty of sleep and rest helps too I also had horrendous gas pain in my ribs and hot water bottle helped that too many people say peppermint tea can help? Hope you have a quick recovery x

Robynco profile image
Robynco in reply to Lou93

I wanted tramadol but they gave me codine. Hot water bottle is helping though

Lou93 profile image
Lou93 in reply to Robynco

Yeh they don’t give it often but I had it before my surgery because of the pain glad the hwb is helping x

lou840 profile image

Sorry to hear of your endo diagnosis on to your liver. My most recent lap was 2 weeks ago and my gas pains lasted about 4- 5 days. Daily gentle stretches and someone gently massaging my shoulders and lower back helped and deep breathing when the gas pains hit hard and walking around helped. The gas pains can be horrid! x

JulesUK profile image

You need to move to get rid of the gas. It’s a horrible pain and when I first had it I didn’t know what it was the shoulder pain was awful. If you feel well enough to gently walk about it’ll help. Second time I had a lap I asked them to get rid of as much as they could there are ways to do so, just a shame some doctors dont bother. Best wishes x

Sun12 profile image

Hope your feeling more yourself soon, sorry it’s on your liver xx

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but it’s likely going to take you some time.

The gas will cause a lot of bloating and pain all over for the first few days. I was told this would only be in the first 24 hours, but I’m sorry to say the discomfort lasted about a week.

Just be sure to take it easy. Drink plenty of water and if you’re not taking some already, ask for an anti-bloating medicine. They should give you one to take with meals.

From there, the swelling will go down and you’ll have less discomfort. But there will still be some bloat for a while. It’s been seven weeks since my operation and it’s only been in the last week or two that I’ve been able to wear a lot of my normal clothes again.

It’s all a process. Don’t worry! Just relax and take care. Wishing you a speedy recovery.

Twiggy87 profile image

Hi, I had my lap last Monday and the gas pains were awful. As others have said heat and movement really help. I also drank lots of peppermint tea which also really helped. I’d say by Friday of last week the majority of the gas pains had disappeared after getting slightly easier each day. Hope it eases soon for you.

Doggiedogmom1973 profile image

Hi, get someone to get Gas-x from your pharmacy, they're pills. Its called different things in different countries, but it helps to get the gas out of your body. hope this helps.

Hannah0091 profile image

Hey, I had peppermint tea & did very light arm stretching when I could Which helped to ease mine. Also rocking backwards and forwards sat down (if you can) may help to ease it in chest. Or if you cannot just very gentle massaging it should get it moving a bit it is awful though I completely get it. 😓 hope it calms down soon.

lslo23 profile image

I know it’s the last thing you feel like doing but I found the only thing that helped with the gas was getting up and walking around. The pain for me travelled up to my shoulders and it was agony but the nurses said walking is the best way to let it all out.

Also peppermint tea was a lifesaver!

Hope you feel better soon xx

Robynco profile image

Day two and I can breathe a lot better, I've been taking wind tablets and the shoulder pain is only mild now. Walking is really painful but I'm going to try and do a bit more today and see if I can manage a shower.

endopositive profile image

I had it bad too, doc even did xrays to be sure! I was recommended xxx peppermints and peppermint tea and wow they really helped remove the gas, worth a try for you too xx

Faybee87 profile image

I found activated charcoal tablets helped to absorb some of the gas, but it was by far the worst thing about my lap and I say that sat here with an infected belly button incision 4 weeks after the op! Peppermint tea and capsules helped as well, but heat and time were the main things that worked.

Robynco profile image
Robynco in reply to Faybee87

These windeze tablets seem to be doing a good job. I'm taking the bandages off tomorrow and the belly button looks like the one that has been bleeding the most so hope mines not going the same way

Ladytontoe profile image

I hope your feeling better soon! I am waiting for my laparoscopy. Feeling very fed up and anxious waiting! Did you have any symptoms to it being on your liver? I get pain in my upper abdomen and I’m so worried and nervous what the results might be. Can they treat it on your liver?

Robynco profile image

I haven't noticed any symptoms to suggest it was on my liver, they didn't discuss it with me really. I'm having a follow up appointment in 4 weeks so I'll see what they say. They had mentioned having an injection that would stop the ovaries working and prevent further spreading but because I will be having fertility treatment they obviously won't do that straight away.

Robynco profile image

Day three since my op and I'm up and about more just in slow motion. I'm really swollen and some more bruising has come out on my hips. I think I've had it quite easy compared to other people that have had theirs. Still taking the pain medication but I've not needed the wind tablets today.

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