Just been to see my consultant who is recommending that once I am fully healed we go straight to ivf as it is too risky for us to try naturally. Needless to say I am all over the shop with my emotions. Just wondering if anyone else has been told this as well? Feeling alone at the moment. Husband is very understanding but he isn’t the one that has had a kidney removed and a temporary stoma due to endo!
Consultant recommending straight to ivf - Endometriosis UK
Consultant recommending straight to ivf
I'm so sorry to hear this RainbowBeth, it sounds like you're having a really tough time. I've recently started looking into IVF as we've been trying to conceive for quite a long time and we're getting no where. I have endo and PCOS so I'm trying Clomid for three months first following my lap to remove bilateral cysts and lesions in January. I'm not trying to compare our situations as I appreciate they're not the same but I went to an IVF open day at the weekend as I was feeling overwhelmed by the idea of IVF and it really helped. Might be worth considering. I felt so much better about it once I understood the process better. I hope you heal quickly and are feeling a little more positive soon x
Bless you Beth - sounds like you've had a really rough time.
I felt a lot better after talking to the people at the IVF clinics about the process - you can book a free, no-obligation chat with an advisor at most, and they are really great at answering questions, giving you timelines, etc. The uncertainty before going was the worst part for me.
The other thing that might be helpful is a specialist fertility counsellor - again most clinics can put you in touch with someone if it would help you to talk things through, even just for a session or two.
While it's a shock, it sounds like a positive thing that your consultant is being proactive about helping you get pregnant - but if you aren't sure, ask for a second opinion.
Best of luck with everything and sending a virtual cuppa.
Thanks, it was a real shock, it was the back up plan. I think I need the councelling, so will deffo look in to it. I think sometimes recently it has been hard to see the wood from the trees with it all. I am lucky I know that, just sometimes this ruddy endo reminds me that life just isn’t simple x
Hi ! I can't provide my own experience as I'm waiting for a lap to check for endo but after the outcome, we are going to progress with IVF. I find it interesting that they have said it's too risky to try naturally.. wonder what their logic is behind that? Is it privately that you're having IVF? I have read through here lots that you can TTC as normal so many weeks after an op so I find this all very interesting! We're probably going to be in the same boat as you so I can understand how your emotions may be all over the place right now. IVF is our back up plan too although I have the feeling that without IVF it just don't happen.. we will see! Xx
Yea sadly trying is not an option because of the damage the endo has done to my other kidney so they can’t risk that getting worse or the bit that is also dormant on my bladder. This endo has properly kicked my butt internally, luckily girl bits are in tact! But that’s kinda the only bit lol. IVF was our back up and now is our reality, it’s a lot to get my head around. We are being referred by the GP hopefully for IVF on the nhs (fingers crossed) have to have my stoma reversed first before we can take that step.