I need some advice or reassurance I’m not going insane! Since December I’ve been experiencing pain in my right side, originally the doctor thought it was a kidney infection and when antibiotics didn’t work I went to A&E for a scan only to be admitted for a week. While in hospital I had an ultrasound which came back clear for my kidney, liver and Gaul bladder. I’ve since had a CT scan which again came back clear even though my ovaries weren’t scanned, and the doctor has suggested it could be a pinched nerve or possibly endometriosis. I’ve had painful periods my entire life and continue to take my pill and avoid having a period, I’ve also had cancerous cells burnt off twice and I’m only 30, the first time it happened I was under 25 and had to fight for my smear test to be looked at, thank god or I may not be here today.
I am at my wits end, I’m sick of being in pain and I’m sick of constantly going to the doctors only to be given different pain killers from diclafenic to amitriptyline. Has anyone else experienced pain in their right side and been diagnosed with endometriosis? It’s only there the pain and sometimes it feels like my ovaries will explode around my period, my bowel movements are all fine and everything else is working fine I’m just constantly in pain. Any advice or words of wisedom would be appreciated, I’m waiting for a gynaecologist appointment but it may not be until May