I got diagnosed with endometriosis stage 3 in July last year. My gynae doctor gave me provera to take 3 times a day. This worked for me for a while, but I have noticed my symptoms have come back lately. My doctor suggested having the coil fitted. Can anyone give me their experience’s of having the coil ??? Does it help reduce symptoms of such??
Coil advice ?? : I got diagnosed with... - Endometriosis UK
Coil advice ??

I suppose it depends on what type of side effects you are willing to put up with to curb other symptoms. My coil is coming out next month after 4.5 years and initially, once it had settled after around 11 months, it was great. I have stage 4 endo and adenomyosis and had 2 week periods with 1 week really heavy and the coil basically stopped my periods to the point I got a few days very light bleeding a month which could be dealt with a liner.
However in the 4.5 years I have had the coil I have had to quit my job where I was working 40 hours per week with a 2 hour commute and was on a path where I was succeeding, go on disability benifits, see a psychologist once a week for chronic anxiety and depression, have my sex life really diminish, have my social life turn non existent, quit as the lead singer of a band, feeling generally very ‘meh’ about everything.. and I’ve suddenly realised in the last few months that this is what the coil got me. It stopped my periods at the cost of everything that used to bring me joy.
There aren’t words enough to explain how upset and angry I am at having been bullied into the coil by my consultant. And now I am having to prepare mentally for the often inevitable ‘crash’ of having it removed at my lap next month, the thought of which terrifies me as my brain is not a happy place right now.
If I could go back now I would never have agreed to it, I would (and will be once it’s out) be putting up with the pain and bleeding because at least I would have a life again and feel something other than sad and disappointed.
I’ve always turned down every other treatment thrown at me (provera etc) as I looked at the side effects and just felt it wasn’t a risk worth taking. I manage everything now through diet and lifestyle which includes non-chemical or scented sanitary wear. If I have to become a card-carrying hippie to support my body so be it. Because anything... everything... is better than what the coil has done. And I didn’t even notice it until it has been in nearly 5 years and it’s too late to change any of it.
Thank you so much for your reply! Defiantly will think long and hard before making a descion. Your story really moved me, and I’m so sorry you went through that. I hope you can get yourself back on track and begin to enjoy the things you used to enjoy. I Wish you all the best!!