This could be quite a long one and for that I’m sorry!
I was a healthy, symptom free 32 year old until 30th August of last year. I suffered a pregnancy loss and had months of complications following this. I had retained tissue and bled heavily, on and off until mid November when it settled and I went back into a normal cycle, with no more retained tissue (confirmed in a private pelvic scan in January). However, I’ve never lost the pains.
My pains are:
Lower back pain
Pelvis pain - hip pain, bum cheek pain and period type cramps nearly every day.
Sometimes I have pain in my groin.
Sometimes I get pain down my legs, mainly upper thighs.
Recently I’m getting a lot of bloating! I’ve never experienced this before in my life and I’m amazed at how painful this is.
I have been backwards and forwards to the doctor and have had the following suggested to me:
Hormonal imbalance from the pregnancy loss - given combined pill. I honestly think this has made things worse.
Kidney infection - treated with co-amoxiclav. This gave me thrush!!
Viral - don’t even get me started on this one!
Pelvic inflammatory disease - given two antibiotics which made the thrush even worse and symptoms are all still there. I finished antibiotics for this on Monday. All swabs are clear of bacteria though, but last one showed thrush. I have lots of discharge (yellowy!) and vaginal irritation but I am guessing this is from the thrush results as opposed to anything else? 🤷🏼♀️
Does this sound anything remotely like endo?! When I went for the private gynae scan, she said endo is something I should explore.
I have another pelvic ultrasound tomorrow (NHS) but I know that can’t necessarily show endo, and as I only had a private one three weeks ago, I don’t think it will pick up much.
I have a colposcopy booked for 5th March. This is based on my own fear really, and that gynae wise, my cervix is the only thing we’ve not really looked at!! I have no abnormal bleeding and my last two smears were normal, but I’m now overdue (by months, not years) because i keep being told that PID/thrush could throw the results. The pelvic pain and back pain worries me, even more so now I have the vaginal irritation and discharge (although probably thrush related).
As I say, I’m 32 and had no problems prior to the pregnancy loss. My mum has had a chocolate cyst removed once - I believe endo related.