Mebeverine : Hello everyone, I suffer... - Endometriosis UK

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MissyTx profile image
33 Replies

Hello everyone,

I suffer horrendously with instant gas, gut noise and cramps after eating along with horrendous trapped wind which is very painful and embarrassing.

I’ve given up, gluten, dairy, refined sugars and carbs and nothing helps.

I had endo removed my bowel last year and ever since it seems to have made my symptoms worse.

My surgeon finally prescribed me Mebeverine today. Interested to hear from anyone with similar symptoms that has tried Mebeverine or similar as I’m so worried it won’t work and I’m so stressed as this is having a huge impact on my job and my ability to attend training courses etc

Tia x

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MissyTx profile image
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33 Replies
Reggiefelix17 profile image

Hi there

I’ve only

Just been diagnosed with server endo , I have terrible trapped wind and bloated I was given mebeverine for my bowel

Because I’ve got ibs too

It does help

Try it and see it relaxes the bowel

I get more issues with my bowel the anything els just waiting for a op now

MissyTx profile image
MissyTx in reply toReggiefelix17

Thank you for your reply. I can only assume I have Ibs too. I suffer more with gas that I can’t get rid of and being unable to go to the toilet but feeling at the same time desperate to go like I’m going to burst. I really hope so. Does it help with wind and gas noise? I practically have a panic attack when I have to sit in a quiet room.

How long does it take to work...? I’ve only has two tablets so far x

Reggiefelix17 profile image
Reggiefelix17 in reply toMissyTx

Yep I totally can relate to all of that ! That’s me down to a t !

I have panic attacks because of it all

It does help settle your bowel they have it to me because I was taking buscapan but mebeverine is better to take long term ... I to have terrible trapped wind and feel like I need the toilet but then can’t really go .. did u say you have had surgery already ?

MissyTx profile image

I don’t think I’ve ever found anyone who understands! :-) wow, can’t believe you suffer from the same. I had a deep bowel shave last January for bowel endo and it has gone but the scar tissue seems to have exasperated my wind issues.

Honestly it’s awful. I was desperately hoping to be diagnosed with some sort of horrendous food allergy but I’ve tried fodmap, gluten and dairy and nothing makes a blind bit of difference. I’ve even tried starving myself but that made it worse still.

Anything I eat makes my tummy cramp almost instantly so when I work I don’t even eat proper meals as the embarassment of the bowel grumbles is worse than being hungry. I do find that it is particularly bad mid cycle and during my period especially. My consultant thinks my uterus may be making it worse still as I also have adenemyosis x

Reggiefelix17 profile image
Reggiefelix17 in reply toMissyTx

Well I do know how u feel

I can’t have much dairy now I’ve realised that if I drink cows milk omg don’t I know that belly bloats trapped wind ,

Pain , so I now have almond milk I did have soya but that feeds estrogen so not good for endo ..

I’ve only had one laparoscopy in November to diagnosed me stage 4 endo and it’s stuck everywhere so had to wait to se ether consultant again today , he’s sent me for mri to see how bad it is on my bowel , then I’ll need the op , I’m so worried about it all not had kids yet 31

They’ve offered me the zoladex injection which I’ve been reading up on and I’m not that keen lol 😂

But I’m suffering so bad nearly every day with my bowel and then every period and ovulation.... this bloody endo needs to do one lol 😂

I don’t know wether to try the injection thing for now or not so hard I don’t want to pump my body of all that’s drugs

MissyTx profile image
MissyTx in reply toReggiefelix17

Omg. You are like actually me 😂 I’m 33 now but rewind 5 years and I was YOU! I have stage 4 endo, everywhere. And 5 years ago we were trying for a baby and told it was unlikely to happen. I had zoladex for 3 months between laparoscopy surgery. (I’ve had 4 ops now in total)

Referred to fertility and had the ivf funding declined because my pelvis was riddled with endo and I also have a decorate uterus....

Well my lovely... after 5 years of upset and heartbreak I very much have a happy healthy 2 year old :-)

Trust me, it will be ok xxx

Reggiefelix17 profile image
Reggiefelix17 in reply toMissyTx

Omg bless u ! Thank u

U don’t know how nice that is to read as u know I’m scared and worried

I want kids , my gynaecologist has just said just try for kids now but I’ve not had no op yet and don’t want complications ...

but I’m not keen on the zoladex idea...


MissyTx profile image
MissyTx in reply toReggiefelix17

Zoladex is temporary. It’s worth trying as it can help to shrink everything before surgery to make it easier. I had to have it just so they could operate as everything was in a bit of a mess. Ultimately you won’t know until you’ve started trying for children, but pregnancy stops endo as it’s hormone fuelled. I must say when I fell pregnant other than the uterus cramping it’s the best I’ve ever felt as I didn’t have endo pain!

If you want babies hun I would crack on and let Mother Nature decide on when is best. no harm in trying although admittedly the surgery is likely to help your chances of conception x

Thecraftyadder profile image

I've had it on and off for years. I didn't find it that effective personally. For cramps I definitely prefer Buscopan. I also have something called Spasmonal Forte (alverine citrate). This is good as it is an antispasmodic that works on the bowel and uterus so I find it especially good when I'm on my period and get my worst bowel problems.

MissyTx profile image
MissyTx in reply toThecraftyadder

Thank you kindly, this really helps. I’ve bought buscopan before and I have to say I’m not sure it did anything but I’m willing to give anything a whirl so if this doesn’t work then I’ll give it another go x

MissyTx profile image

Oh and also, totally with you on almond milk, I have that and oat milk, I cut out soya totally including Quorn and meat substitutes too because of the oestrogen link!

warney2411 profile image

Hi, can relate to all the above. I had rennie deflatine they were amazing even after lap where you get painful trapped wind. Charcoal tablets is also good from Holland and Barrett but you need to drink plenty of water with them and I also take daily Peppermint tablets prescribed from doc. I also try one cup of Peppermint tea a day. My friend who has chrons said she drinks boiled water after every meal I started doing this and can honestly say wow. Not nesscesarily for wind but helps with constipation. Hope you all find some relief. Xx

MissyTx profile image
MissyTx in reply towarney2411

Thanks Warner. Sadly anything herbal including deflatine doesn’t touch the sides. Activated charcoal does nothing neither do peppermint capsules that I’ve had for years. I suffer from chronic wind short of driving a nail in my digestive system and popping it like a balloon nothing works!

Also peppermint and calamine tea actually make the symptoms worse!😩😩😩x

warney2411 profile image

Ahhhhhhh that's a shame. I know how you feel. I sometimes look 6 months pregnant with trapped wind and bloatedness. I still drink boiled water after every meal as this I find has helped the digestive system (especially going to the toilet) this disease is awful. 😢 X

MissyTx profile image
MissyTx in reply towarney2411

Thank you I will defo try the water. Oh goodness yes. Ironically my tummy was smaller with my son at 6 months than when I have a flare up! It’s so unfair isn’t it 😩 sending you get well wishes xx

mariamamaria profile image

Hi. Speak with your doctor and try Visanne(dyenogest). Eat only bio food and try to make some sport. Go to a psychologist and make therapy for everything that is bothering you in this moment. You need to live with no stress and no worries. Take care!

HBSussex profile image


Yes I’ve taken Mebeverine and it worked really well for me, made my stomach less bloated too,

especially after eating. Takes a while to get used to taking it half an hour before food but works quite quickly. Hope things settle down soon for you X

naryshkin profile image

Hi there,

I'm awfully sorry to hear you're struggling, hoping you'll feel better soon! I was first diagnosed with ibs, and the NHS insisted that it was only ibs and nothing else. During this time, I took mebervine. In my experience, it took a fair few weeks until it began helping but the pain persisted (although less than before, but still chronic and peaked with periods). I always ensured I had a stash of Buscopan nearby in case...

Since last summer, I began an anti-inflammatory diet with minor adjustments to my ibs triggers. I feel it has improved my digestive problems - not all, but most. The pains return when I slip with the diet. A dietitian helped me to find a balance in this diet and ensuring I get all the nutrients needed.

As for gas, I have found relief in peppermint tea and this anti-inflammatory diet. In the mornings, I'll have oats with oat milk and some Brazil nuts (can't do lactose and soya, don't like the taste of almond). For lunch, something like a lentil salad or quinoa with a vegetable/seitan stew, and dinner some crispbread or salad, combined with a bacterial yoghurt (lactose-free or vegan) yoghurt with chia seeds. As treats, it'll be a square or two of dark chocolate. I've lost my cravings for sweets and junk because of the good fats. Every day is rounded off with a jug of peppermint tea, using fresh mint leaves and allowed to steep for +10-15 minutes. Light exercise like walking helps tremendously with the trapped gas.

Since I still struggle to digest things like meat and wheat-based gluten (oat-gluten is fine...), I am looking to get a referral to a gastro specialist in order to investigate my intestines a bit more because the pain is always located on the lower-right side of my abdomen and around my appendix. I have since a few weeks begun taking ProIBS, an OTC powder that contains aloe Vera and chicory and it improves my digestive issues. Together with the anti-inflammatory diet, the bloat and pain have gone down, and I am edging closer to my original jean size (before this nightmare began in 2013-14). I take Visanne for my endo, which has helped tremendously with the debilitating pain around ovulation and periods. Since I'm quite young, I'm not looking into having children.

Keep us posted on how things are going, you can do this 💪

Kbeez profile image


I read your post this morning and can relate to the nightmare you are going through. I have suspected endo on my bowel but long story short due to previous surgery from when I was poorly when I was younger they are reluctant to go in and have a look if I can manage my symptoms. I just wanted to tell you about a product that has totally changed my bowels, I would be going over 5 times a day to the toilet every day with cramps, wind etc and it was taking over my life. I have started taking Holland and Barrett ultra maximum acidophilus and WOW what a difference. I am a lot more settled and the cramps are now few and far between. It may not work for everyone but i just wish i would have started it years ago instead of the constant battle of changing between various hormones etc. I hope you find comfort soon xx

MissyTx profile image
MissyTx in reply toKbeez

Thanks darling, I’ll give it a go, so sorry you are going through all of this too. I had to have the bowel surgery as it had caused a twist in my bowel and I was being very I have scar tissue. You just can’t win can you!

I did try acidophilus from H&B a long time ago, not sure if it was maximum, it was very expensive! I will give it another go xx

Kbeez profile image
Kbeez in reply toMissyTx

Aw that's awful sounds like you have been through it. Yes it is about £18 (Just checked it's half price at min!) for 60 tablets but totally worth it to me it means i can actually go to work now and not worry as much about eating and meetings etc like you mentioned. Luckily I have a manager who has her own issues so she understands when I have had to work from home etc in past but it stresses you out doesn't it always having to think about going to toilet and cramps etc.

MissyTx profile image
MissyTx in reply toKbeez

I’m literally going out to buy some today!!! Thank you xx

Kbeez profile image
Kbeez in reply toMissyTx

It took about 2 weeks to notice a difference just so you know x hope they work for you like they did me x

wanwood profile image

Do you suffer from constipation? I’m sure you’ve tried fibre already by now but staying on top of the constipation can really make a difference to the trapped wind problem. Fybogel helps me overall but tends to make things worse before it gets better. Cutting out gluten often means cutting out whole wheat and other grains which isn’t always a good thing for one’s fibre intake. Eating red peppers, and raw carrots and celery also helps me a bit. Best wishes xx

StefaniaJW profile image

1) "I had endo removed my bowel last year". Does this mean your bowel endo was removed or parts of your bowel were removed?

2) Who performed endo surgery on you?

3) It sounds like you might be suffering from severe lack of digestive enzymes, which is extremely common with endometriosis. I suggest you eat small meals that are easy to digest (no processed, fried, refined carbs of any kind -not just gluten, it's complex carbs that are difficult to digest), chew slowly and many times before you swallow, sit while eating and do a little bit of exercise (such as 20 minutes of walking a day) to aid digestion.

Also, you need to follow a recovery plan for your digestive system (check out and Dr. Ruscio's book "Healthy Gut, Healthy You" for more info on this)

MissyTx profile image
MissyTx in reply toStefaniaJW

Thanks Stefania, my meal basis is totally clean. I don’t eat any fried food, basically gluten free oats, whole foods, veggies, lots of raw food and fish and lean meat with vegetables for dinner. I had a deep bowel shave so a midsection of my bowel was removed by a bowel and endo specialist at the leading endo centre Queen Alexandra hospital. My consultant is the lead endo specialist for the south coast.

He has said it is scar tissue. I’ve tried every way of eating. Little meals often, 3 meals a day, nothing at all and nothing makes a blind bit of difference! ☹️ thank you for taking the time to reply x

StefaniaJW profile image
StefaniaJW in reply toMissyTx

As I've said, you need digestive enzymes supplements. When you lack digestive enzymes, even a grape can be hard to digest!

I hope you can get that sorted out soon!

MissyTx profile image
MissyTx in reply toStefaniaJW

Thank you, I’m on it! X

MissyTx profile image
MissyTx in reply toStefaniaJW

Also, I train daily, I run and interval train, horse ride and weight train. I must admit whilst I’m training the pain is much better but my job requires a lot of sitting or standing and not moving constantly x

AllWeNeedIsluv profile image
AllWeNeedIsluv in reply toMissyTx

Endorphins are helping your pain when your training hun. Your amazing doing what your doing we're made of strong stuff. Iv recently had 4 ops in 8 week since having my son and I'm riddled with scar tissue they told me that twice and every time I was complaining how much pain I'm on after surgery they'd say you've got lots of Adhesions my whole abdomen is full. Daily struggle with wind bowel and bladder issues either incontinence with pain or not even aware or extreme pain going knives dragging through system it's a nightmare. I'm no mother to my kids with this daily struggle it's an absolute mission to do normal daily things. Iv now developed a hernia and on of my incisions is trying to reopen from inside back to surgeons in Feb 😥 iv had enough. Does mebeverine help with all bowel problems or just gas and constipation ? Hope you all get some relief soon xxxx

MissyTx profile image
MissyTx in reply toAllWeNeedIsluv

Hey lovely. You poor thing!! You sound like a warrior mummy To me so hang on in there! We are all in this together! My surgeon said it is given for IBs sufferers and I am currently waiting for my gastroenterologist appointment but was so desperate I pleaded with him to give me something! I will let you know what it helps with. Praying for any relief to be honest!xxx

Meme31 profile image

Mebeverine and ginger + honey tea seem to help me a lot.

Judy92 profile image

I tend to use mebeverine as it helps to relax the muscles in the tummy too. I do think it helps, slightly.

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