Has anyone used a tens machine? Does it help? What one should I get? I need one with a few settings! As my pain is extremely bad!
Tens machine : Has anyone used a tens... - Endometriosis UK
Tens machine

Hi,I used it when I was in early labor it did nothing for me. Ppl say it helps but it didn't help me.
Gosh yes, do it. At times it was the only thing that kept me going until I could take more painkillers
I've just bought my first one too. They were on offer for about 1/3 off in Superdrug online might be worth a look!
Its helped me with back ache and migraines x
Hi. I bought one and used it the 1st time last weekend when I was in pain.
Pain killer was not enough, and tens machine really helped me. The one I bought is with 8 pad, portable, Batterie so can be free of your mouvement. Send me a private message if you want so I can give you the brand, model. My husband has done the comparable searches as he is in marketing and knowing him, probably a good one.
Hey! I bought one, I can't remember the brand but may be the st John's ambulance one? It doesn't take the pain totally away, but made it a little bit more bearable. Find it really useful at work! Xx
I resorted to getting one a while back and my husband purchased it for me from Lloyd's pharmacy.
It helps by disrupting your concentration on the pain, is the best way I can describe it. It doesn't stop the pain but rather your ability to focus on it.
I use to have it set on the highest setting, by the end of it, but eventually it stopped being effective as my pain became worse and I had been using it near constantly all the time. It could be because I had grown to accustomed to it that it stopped working, to be fair.
It definitely helped in the beginning though, and was the difference between being unable to sleep or cope to it allowing me to get some sleep.
I think that at between 10 and 15 pounds it is definitely worth trying if you can afford it.
If you do purchase one and find it helpful, I discovered that replacement pads can be purchased online in bulk at a fraction of the cost - just read the reviews before ordering.
Good luck and I hope you find some relief.
I have one it distracts your brain from the pain. It's great for back ache.