Hi everyone. I've suspected I have endometriosis for years and finally found a GP to listen to me. She's referred me to the gynecologist and I'm just wondering if anyone knows the rough time I'll be waiting? I'm in Cambridgeshire and I know that all area's will be different, just in so much pain and am desperate to know whats going on now.
Wait times: Hi everyone. I've suspected I... - Endometriosis UK
Wait times

Hey, I was waiting like 2 months to see a gynae but I saw about 7 in total haha before I found a gynae who is amazing xx
Hi, I saw a GP in mid july who finally took me seriously and referred me to a gyno. This appointment was 4 weeks later. Gyno suspected endo and referred me for a laparoscopy. I had the pre-op tests at the start of Oct and mid Oct for the actually procedure to diagnose Endo. Im based in Surrey so it could be different or quicker timelines where you are.
I did try to change the date of mine as I was meant to be away on a training course but they couldnt give me a new date if i cancelled so would of had to go back on the waiting list, you may have to be flexible to fit in with them.
If you are new to this site check out other womens posts as they may have suggestions on how they manage their pain which may be helpful to read, i use instagram a lot to help get hints, tips & support off other women suffering with endo. Hope you dont have too long a wait x
I've been waiting 6 months to see a gyno and still haven't got an appointment (NHS Grampian's wait times are atrocious, they say it’s a 42-38 week wait). In the meantime there are things you can do to manage pain. Get talking to your GP and insists on a pain management plan in the meantime.
Pain caused by endo stems from inflammation, hence why NSAIDs are normally prescribed, these drugs are in the same family as ibuprofen but prescription NSAIDs such as mefemanic acid and naproxen are stronger, and last longer so you only need to really take them every 12 hours vs every 4. The most important thing in pain management is “staying ahead of the pain” I’m on the pill so I know exactly when the pain is going to hit. Hence, I take my painkillers 24 hours before I’m about to start.
NSAIDs work by blocking the production of chemicals called prostaglandins, these are produced by the enzymes COX-1 and COX-2, if the pain has already started it’s too late to used NSAIDs to their full ability. Also when the pain starts to wain, don’t stop taking them. I take mines every 12 hours for the 10 days around my period constantly and I went from laying on my bedroom floor screaming to being able to be at work, but still, very uncomfortable, but it was much better. The key with pain management is constancy, but seriously if you are in pain please see your GP, if NSAIDs are not that effective for you there are other options such as using pain modulating drugs like amitriptyline and nortriptyline which cause your nerve system to almost dial down, they can be combined with NSAIDs. You might have to work with your GP for a while to find something that helps you but there is plenty they can do to help.
Thanks for all that information. Sorry you've been waiting so long! Hopefully I won't have to wait that long but I'm not holding my breath. I used to take mefenamic acid when I first started my periods as the pain was so bad, i then had the contraceptive implant for years which stopped my periods and most of the pain, it would occasionally flare up and the doctors at the time told me it was IBS?! I'm now trying for a baby so don't want to be on the pill to stop the pain but its so bad each month that I'm back on mefenamic acid. I find heat helps too but not always?!
The thing about endo is because prostaglandins are involved in the pain, these are the same molecules that causes smooth muscles to contract. Hence high prostaglandins cause cramping etc, it can also cause the bowls to spasm and contract as well. IBS is a catch all term for anything irritating the bowls, so it could be IBS caused by the prostaglandins from the endo and the inflammation irritating the bowls. The IBS in endo is a symptom not a cause, they’re all interconnected even if people like to put IBS in a box separate from endo. Mefenamic acid has been a life saver for me tbh, I have hot baths when I have really bad intestinal cramps etc but maybe that’s just a comfort thing lol it’s like what my mum would always have me do as a kid when I felt sick, sometimes a hot water bottle helps but I don’t find it does much for me. I would have a serious talk about it with your GP though, devise what medications you can use with trying for a baby and develop a plan encase there’s a flair up too. I honestly think 90% of the issues we have in our system in the UK is just piss poor serious pain management strategies and information. I had to really push for someone to take me seriously on the issue.