pill or Coil for endometriosis - Endometriosis UK

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pill or Coil for endometriosis

Plow-13 profile image
11 Replies

Hi all.... I hope there’s someone out there who can help me? I’m at a loss I’ve been pondering and worrying.

I have a follow up apt with my gynaecologist tomorrow,

And I need to make the decision to take the pill or have Merina coil.

I have endometriosis and have taken zolodex for 6 months... last injection 3months ago still awaiting period but lately been experiencing shooting pains.

I took the pill before but it gave me headaches... and the coil gave me shooting pains.

I’m not sure what to do 🙄 but I know I’ve got to do something. Anyone out there can give me any advice or personal experiences??

Thank you 🙏🏼xx

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11 Replies
fenlh profile image

Hi Plow-13,

I’m sorry to hear that you are feeling worried and stressed at the moment with the decision you have to make. It sounds like neither are a good solution for you if you have experienced issues with them before.

Like you, I had to come off the pill due to migranes and had my first ever Merina coil fitted last Wednesday (pretty unpleasant!). It seems very wrong of your gynae to force you to make a decision on one or the other if you do not feel ready to. They must surely know that they have not worked for you in the past, therefore probably won’t work for you again now?

Did they mention the contraceptive injection - or is that the injections you are already referring to?

If the shooting pains are a more recent thing, have they done any scans or suggested any investigative surgery to see if there is endo which can be removed, or a cyst perhaps? Do you get these shooting pains at all points in your cycle? Or just around the time of your period?

Sorry I can’t be of more help, just wanted you to feel like you had some support! x

Plow-13 profile image
Plow-13 in reply to fenlh

Hi fenlh

Thank you for replying my post.... the zoledex injections were to stop me from developing Estrogen and it gave me the symptoms of a fantom menopause

I could only take for 6 months... as it’s a bone thinning drug

I’ve not had a period since April this year... and have read it could take 6 months to appear.

But now this week I’ve had some shooting pains again on my left side ( morning after intercourse) and before I need the toilet. All of which were associated with my endometriosis earlier this year.

They found endometriosis behind my right ovary which had adhesions attaching my tube and ovary together.

Because of the nature of where they were they were unable to remove them.

So gave me the course of the zolodex to thin the lining.

I’ll speak to my consultant this morning and mention these pains....see what can be done. Or if there’s any other non eastrogen meds I could be prescribed.

I hope you get on with the coil. I’m not sure if yo try it again ?

Thanks again 💕

Livingdeadgirl profile image
Livingdeadgirl in reply to Plow-13

I can't really weigh in on your question as I've been on Ovranette for years and my gyn is asking me to consider the coil, which I won't for various reasons and obviously I don't have issues with the pill like you have. But I was wondering, did your period stop suddenly? Mine stopped a year ago and I was diagnosed with endo last month. I too get pains when I need and go to the loo xx

Laylah85 profile image

Hey. I am sorry You're feeling this way and I hope that whatever path you take, that you find relief.

For me personally, I initially started off with the hormone injections and I hated them. I experienced severe side effects almost immediately and it didn't stop the bleeding for me.

I think went on different pills. Again, the side effects weren't great, but they were less than with the injections.

When I had my last operation, the inserted the mirena coil in for me. Yes, I experienced some side effects but nothing as severe as the other options and it even stopped by severe periods. I still get a little pain from time to time, but the coil really has helped me a lot. I'm not saying it's perfect, but for me, it's definitely the best from all the other options.

Good luck darling. Keep us updated.

Plow-13 profile image
Plow-13 in reply to Laylah85

hi Laylah85

Thank you for your reply I’m pleased the coil is working for you.

My body repelled it twice, but know it has helped so many ladies.

but I feel maybe I should try the coil, I’ve heard so many side effects from the pill but there’s so many Pills it’s knowing what is best for me.

Thanks again I’m grateful for this help group since I got diagnosed it’s been a real support.

I hope the coil continues to help you


Elm98 profile image

Hi there,

I’m sorry this reply is coming in so late and you may have already made your decision.

It’s rubbish being told to make the decision because you only want what’s going to be better for yourself.

I personally did not want the coil after people I know had bad experiences with them so I wanted to go for the pill. I found on the pop (progesterone only) I got headaches and my skin flared up really bad. So I started speaking to a sexual health nurse about the issues I was having and she suggested trying the combined pill and a set one.

I now take gederal 150/30mg three months in a row and have 4 breakthrough bleeds a year and it has been my saving grace...after laparoscopy my periods (breakthrough bleeds) have been so much less painful and I’ve yet to actually discover any symptoms with it and I’ve been on it now around 10 months.

I would say to look for all the pros and cons of both and try and make the best decision for you.

I really hope you find something that works for you and that you’re pain free soon!


Bob1993 profile image


The Marina coil changed my life. It took 6 months to settle but after that, my periods stopped and it stopped my severe period pains too.

2 years on - I haven’t had a period and the pains are still under control.

I occasionally get shooting pains but for me that’s the endo not the coil.

Good luck


Locke profile image
Locke in reply to Bob1993

Hello. Thank you for posting this, you have given me hope.☺ I have just gone back on the pill, after a few years off. Dr said once periods are regulated again I can go on the M coil, which I have not tried before. I really need body to recover from the cycle of ongoing Endo pain, anaemia, and copious amount of cocodamol. Sounds like it is working well for you. ☺

Plow-13 profile image
Plow-13 in reply to Locke

Sending you much love... sorry to hear endometriosis has effected another life.

It’s horrible living a life of constant pain and painkillers


Locke profile image
Locke in reply to Plow-13

Thank you and yes, it is. I'm going to try to get fit again to see if this helps, and maybe the endo diet.

I hope you find something that helps. Much love to you too. xx

Plow-13 profile image

Hi I spoke to my consultant yesterday and we’ve decided to give it 3months sit and wait for period, see about pain management.

I have a prescription for the progesterone pill which again hesitant but was told could have the coil at any point when I’ve had time to think it over.

Because of my anxiety issues i find it very difficult...

I had an internal whist there... and had some discomfort but because I’ve fractured my back (separate issue) it could all be related waiting for another steroid injection next month

thanks for your help all .xx

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