Hi everyone,
So I’m sat writing this at 11:30 because the pain is just too much to sleep with. My system seems to be a bit messed up , I usually bleed around 8/9 days , lay period it was 22. I was due a week ago and still haven’t come on. However today I have experienced continuous cramping which is very sharp and feels almost as if some little person is squeezing my insides ?? 😂Bare with me ...
So I usually get very low stomach cramps where as this is more central. It’s just very intense. I know some of you poor ladies also get sort of cramps in your legs and back etc , I never did until today and also got like pins and needle feeling in my leg and foot ?
I’m just worried my condition is getting worse. Pain killers aren’t working anymore, heat pads don’t make a difference and I just can’t stop crying !!! Feel useless , and lost and no idea what to do.
Thankyou for all your support as always, Lucy x