For as long as I can remember I have suffered with my periods. When in my late teens I used to wake up having bled out everywhere one my bed, eventually each month the pain getting worse and worse to the point where it was crippling, I couldn't even get out of bed I would just be curled up in a ball, even throwing up from the pain! I would know when it was coming as well because I would start to get mild cramps a couple days before due so I always knew when I was a couple days away from starting (usually started about 7 days before). Once I started taking the pill, I think my symptoms started getting slightly better even though I would still feel very sluggish and experience the cramps during the first few days.
I stopped taking the pill just over a year ago and noticed that my cycle was becoming very inconsistent.. from being between 7 - 10 days late to the cycle itself being different, they started getting very short and a lot lighter which had never been the case, and it usually started with the 1st day the blood being very dark, practically brown. I went to see the doctors but they said this would have been caused to my body getting back into the normal cycle after being on the pill and said they would do a scan to check anyway. The scan revealed an ovarian cyst, but nothing else was done following this. My period still continue to be very inconsistent and I find myself experience stabbing / throbbing pains in my lower right pelvis. A 2nd ultrascan revealed a bloody cyst which they suspect to be Endometriosis, however I have to wait a couple weeks again before getting another scan. I am very nervous as even though all my symptoms seem to relate to this, and makes a lot of sense and it's in a way nice to finally have an explanation as to why I suffer so badly. I'm really worried how this will continue to affect me going forward, especially when it comes to starting a family. What has people's experiances been with this? I'm 25 nearly 26 and currently saving to buy a house and living with my inlaws in the meantime. But is starting a family something that I would have to start thinking about sooner rather than later as it seems that this can cause quite a few problems when it comes to conceiving? Has anyone experienced their symptoms getting worse or have similar? What do you find is the best way to deal with this??