Has anyone suffering from endometriosis had a partial hysterectomy removing only the ovaries? Please message me if you can. I’m unsure as to whether to go with full hysterectomy or just ovaries on 19th july
Partial hysterectomy or just removal of o... - Endometriosis UK
Partial hysterectomy or just removal of ovaries?

Has your doctor discussed the pros & cons of each option with you?
I’ve had a total hysterectomy with ovaries removed. Keeping my ovaries was not recommended in my case but keeping my uterus wasn’t discussed (although adenomyosis was indicated by my MRI so I don’t think that would have been a good option for me). Are you being treated in a BSGE specialist centre? If your doctor is suggesting removal of your ovaries and keeping your uterus then they should explain the reasoning behind this so that you can make an informed choice xxx

Thank you for message and I’m sorry I haven’t replied sooner. My gynaecologist didn’t suggest just removing my ovaries until my appointment a week ago. Until that point it’s only ever been a full hysterectomy. I have an appointment on Thursday with another gynaecologist who I went to see for a second opinion who ended up doing a cystoscopy and laparoscopy. May I please ask where you had your endometriosis? How did you feel after your surgery please? Did you take or are you taking HRT? Thanks, Natalie
I’m doing really well post op, so far so good. I’m not taking HRT as yet, the plan is to discuss it at six week check. I had endo on my bowel, bladder and ureters. I’m feeling really good post op, taking it slowly day by day xxx

That’s great to hear! Be kind to yourself xxx
I am in the same situation, my old consultant always said I needed full hysterectomy and partial bowel resection. The guy who took over said no just had ovaries removed. I was anxious and put something on here. No one came back saying they’d just had ovaries out and all questioned the consultant! I’m due to see in 2 weeks to discuss it. He put me on Zoladex to see how I would cope with ovaries just being removed. The Zoladex did help but I’m still getting loads of bowel pain etc.
Good luck with the decision.
Thank you for sharing. I am speaking to the consultant to whom I recently met for a second opinion to see what she thinks is best. I am on zoladex and I don't think it's been particularly good for me but it has shut everything down and stopped my bleeding which is positive. I will let you know how I get on and please do the same if you can. All the best, Natalie