I had my last period in March and after that I decided to continue my Evra patches without taking the week break. I felt amazing at first. No period pain, barely any discomfort during ovulation. I felt more alive than ever.... But after skipping 2 periods, the pain started again. I constantly walk around with minor cramping or ''stretching'' pain. If I cough, sneeze or move to fast I get that quick pulling pain on my ovaries. I rarely feel aroused cause I know that the pain will happen after sex as well. But the pain changed during arousal as well. Earlier I only experienced pain in certain positions or when we went on too long. Now I get a stabbbing pain in my uterus before I even climax, which takes away everything nice. It does not matter if I climax during sex or when I do it on my own, it still hurts. It makes me sad and so tired.
I have an appointment in september where I will talk about my upcoming keyhole surgery. But I do not know what to do until then. Is it better to get one period and then continue with my patches again? Almost like restarting my system? So fed up with the consistent cramping and not being able to enjoy orgasms.