I had a lap 3 years ago. No endo found. Still continued to have all my normal symptoms which have been getting worse each month. However last month and again this month just before and during my period I am extremely short of breath, have right shoulder pain and a tight chest. Along with all my other normal symptoms. Does anyone else have these symptoms? Xx
Sore shoulder, tight chest and short of b... - Endometriosis UK
Sore shoulder, tight chest and short of breath

I have all of these! I have endo on the diaphragm as well as the usual places. The pain is felt in the shoulder because of the phrenic nerve. I am also a nightmare at the moment because I’m always hiccuping!!! Do you get pain in what feels like your ribs and mid vertebrae too? xx
Thank you for replying! So sorry to hear your feeling the same. I’ve had the shoulder pain for ages but only linked it when I’ve been getting really short of breath. I get a pain in my ribs especially when I sit down/ bend over it feels like somethings stuck and getting squashed in my ribs. I’ve been so short of breath past couple of days been considering a&e but guessing they won’t do a lot Xx
Hiya no problem but sorry to hear you are suffering the pain you describe is exactly what I felt - my liver and diaphragm were stuck together - I couldn’t sit, eat, do anything! I had to eat lying flat it was so bad. I get spasming in my chest and what I can only describe as ‘fizzing’ sensations. Pain in the mid vertebrae, stabbing pains in the ribs, hiccups, shoulder pain, neck pain, arm pain. In addition to all the other pelvic endo symptoms!! Yes unless you actually feel like you can’t breathe I doubt a&e will help
I just kept being fobbed off with “oh you must just have inflamed intercostal muscles, it will go off eventually...” have you got other endo symptoms too? Have you been referred to a gynaecologist yet? Definitely spell it out to them that you think the diaphragm is involved. My first op it didn’t get removed because, despite having a very good surgeon, she didn’t think it could be there. So it didn’t get removed until op number two. And now I’m waiting for op number three to have it properly excised from the diaphragm. Happy for you to direct message me if you want to know anything else or just need a rant
I know how maddening it is never being able to get in a comfortable position!! Xx
Sorry for the delayed reply, after a while of being fobbed off by doctors I’ve now been referred to a private specialist as he is the only one local to us. Apparently I can’t be referred to him specifically through the nhs as they can only do general referrals with no guarantee who you’ll see. I’ve seen general gynae before who say my symptoms fit but no diagnosis. Thank you so much, hope op number 3 goes well for you xx
Hi Sarahlouisex
I have just had my first laparoscopy and diathermy after 27 years of symptoms, where they found endometriosis and removed patches. I'm so unbelievably happy that they found it, even though I am in pain at the moment. Unfortunately for me they discovered it on the wrong side!
I will explain:
I have always had right side pain including bowel with a lump that comes and goes monthly, ovary and tube tightness, lower back and kidney pain, shoulder pain and inability to take a deep breath. I also have bowel and bladder issues.
But after surgery:
The gynecologist visited me before going home to explain that they had found endometriosis on the left side and removed patches from my left including the ovary. I've never had left sided pain do was slightly shocked. So I'm very confused at the moment as to why the pain is on the opposite side!
Makes me think endometriosis can be missed x
I’ve seen quite a few ladies on here who have a negative lap and then get opened up again and lo and behold there’s loads of endo! So yes I think it can be missed the endo on my diaphragm was certainly missed the first time even though I have the photos the surgeon took of all the lesions on it and a big scar on my liver 🙈 re: left/ right pain issues - you can get referred pain where your body feels pain in one area when it’s actually a problem elsewhere causing the problem :/ x
Hmmmm. I have had this too. And went to a@e and told I was having heartburn. I was like are you kidding me?! Heartburn. I get this often. Ive put it down to if it’s endo what can I do they looked inside and saw nothing so if that’s not it then it could just be stress and or anxiety. That stuff is just as bad as endo. It hits you hard you can’t get comfortable it spread across your chest into your shoulder and your ribs hurt you can’t breathe without it hurting and your heart feels like it’s being crushed. Awful