Help, as docotors wont even investigate j... - Endometriosis UK

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Help, as docotors wont even investigate just perscribe..i dont know what to do anymore.

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2 Replies

Hey, so long story short, since i was 15 ive had mild ibs attacks which caused the typical cramps, and watery poop, wasnt to bad i got used to it, apart from.those bouts i was regular, and fine woth bowel movements. Then 19 for the first time ever, i was constipated, and felt like i needrd to go so bad but couldnt, seen a dr, he gave me supposertorys, me being 19 and stupid refused to put anything up that end of me...eventually i foeced out this large mass about the size of a coconut...thats where me and my life with my bowels changed forever....ever since that day nothing has been right. I never ever feel thr *urge* to go to the toilet anymore, ever. Full stop. I just can tell, i get a sensation that stuff is near the end of the line so to speak and to go to toilet never that urgent feeling or well yoy guys know what i mean. And then when i did wss like rabbit poo for years and id go maybe once a week, two somtimes. Or i could go 3 weeks, two weeks with nothing. But it becsme normal i lived with is dr tried lactalose anf movicol etc didnt work just sparked the ibs cramps so left it and that was life. In the last 2 years (im 26 now) the rabbit size poops had upgraded to golf ball type balls. So anyway, 5 1/2 months ago, i had THE worst ibs cramps id ever ever ever hsd in my life before the had been unbearably painful, but this was on another planet, it felt like somone was literally crushing my insides with a vice, i was physically sick with the pain, sweating mearlt passed out i was so close to going a and e just for any help, but i didnt because i genuinley thought theyd be annoyed with me wasting their time with just ibs, but ive never experienced anything like that in my life, and i can honesyly say i know have a genuine fear of that happening again all the time. So after rhat episode i had 2 days of bloating, then went back to *normal* about 5 days after that while at work, i had this horriboe strange pain and feeling like somone was pulling my intestines down from inside me ah i cant explain it in words, and i know that sounds crazy, but id never expeeinced ir before i had to leave, and eventually, it left. And i had this feeling in my stomach of almost really intense emptyness, almost like a strong hunger feeling but way way more, so i thought id eat, i was wrong..way wrong...soon as i did 20 minutes later ibs cramps...and it was even worse than the one before...i passed out, the obly way it stops is when you pass the loose stool...and it just wouldnt come...eventully after about 2 hours and nearly a whole pack of stopped with a little bowl movement. The next day i recovered...tried to eat bam...again Same thing.. no word of a lie every time i ate for 2 months it triggered ibs cramps, literally after 5 i self medicated on buscopan, untill evntually, the ibs cramos stopped andnit turned into everytime i ate, i felt sick, so sick i couldnt eat, then that lasted to where i am now. Currently im at a stage where i can eat, barely, but im so insanly bloated, constantly, and i feel like i cant breath, or get a full breath, and right under my ribs, its like there is somthing inflammed there, its horrible honestly you cant get confortable you cant rest, you cant eat, bevause if i eat it settles for 30 mins but comee back twice as worse. So i seen a doctor i got perscribed laxido and omerprozole, and still nothing has changed except that i just have a really loose bowl movement once a day after i wake up, i did notice taking the laxido has helped dull down the strength of the breathlessness, i stooped one day and bam it was really intense again so i keep taking it for that For years ive been going to seek medical advice they dont investigate they say constipation soon as i explain my symtoms and thats it get perscribed laxatives and on my so sick of feeling ill i almost feel hopeless this is like my last hope of help is that if somone has any idea what could be happening, or has been in a similar situation.

I really do appreciate the time that you took to read that, if you managed it, im sorry for it being so long, there is more detail and depth to it all but that as crazy as you think i might sound is the gist of it haha🙈. I just really hope someone can help. Thanks again.

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2 Replies

I'm so sorry you are going through this. You are not crazy. IBS pain is unbelievably painful and has me doubled up in agony. I developed anal fissure as the lining in my anal wall teared it was like pooping razor blades at times. I'm too scared to leave the house when I have a attack as I need to be near a toilet and my other half needs a gas mask. I've tried everything to help mine over the last 25 years. I found following a anti-inflammatory diet helped. I cut out gluten, wheat ,dairy, soy/soya, caffeine , fizzy drinks and meat. It got to the point that no matter what I ate or drank I was in extreme pain.

When I couldn't eat due to the ulcers I developed I used to make my own juice. Ginger and carrot. Carrots have something in them that help reduce ulcers and ginger helps with nausea. so when I drank the carrot and ginger juice it coated my digestive system and helped sooth it . Which was all I could eat at times. I brought myself a juicer and a food processor. I experimented with making soups and juices from scratch with out sugar and with only natural ingredients. I did a little research online about IBS and diet and found foods that worked best for me. Anti inflammatory ones are the best to start with.

Nothing helped until I used psyllium husk tablets. My partner used them for constipation. As soon as The pain starts now I take the tablets. they collect every piece of poo left behind in your bowel and dissolve it. Which helps with IBS. I also take cramp bark tincture as this helps to relax the muscle spasms in the bowel that a IBS attack causes. I also drink nettle tea it help to calm the bowels. Which soothes the IBS as it helps the cramping.

I had all the bowel and stomach hospital examinations over a 25 year period. Where IBS and Reflux oesphagus was diagnosed. I was also tested for Crohns disease and colitis as my family have a history of them and other auto immune diseases. Which thankfully I didn't have.

After 29 years of painful periods and IBS. I found out I had endometriosis as well.

my doctor gave up prescribing medication to me as nothing worked, So I did some research and tried a more natural treatment route.

Have you changed doctors. Luckily for me my doctor worked through everything with me. He wanted to be able to help someone else in with similar problems. He is very understanding and even now helps now he knows I have endometriosis as well. I recently went back to my understanding doctor as the areas surgery I moved to merged with my old surgery. But they only did something when a cyst was found on a ultrasound scan in June 2017 after I moved areas and changed Doctors . the pelvic pain and fatigue was unbearable. I had laparoscopy surgery 3 days ago.

I hope you can find something or someone to help soon. Xx

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Sax1991 in reply to

Thank you so much for replying, wow your doctor seems nice! Mine can't wait to give me laxatives and on my way...I did insist to see a bowel specialist but he said I'd be waiting for a long time and there is no point but I will go back and make sure I do or even change my surgery, 9 years I've not been normal and the last 6 months I've felt genuinely I'll, I just want to feel better, be able to go out and eat, breath comfortably not feel bloated, lethargic... I'm 26 and sometimes I feel 66. Nothing I do helps I've tried omerpeolzle because, all the laxatives under the sun, I just think I need to see a specialist and actually look into the problem instead of a Dr saying constipation. Thank you so much again.

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