No change following laparoscopy? - Endometriosis UK

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No change following laparoscopy?

Endo_This profile image
16 Replies

Hi, just wondering how people felt post excision surgery?

I had a laparoscopy and adhesiolysis 3 weeks ago and if anything I feel worse.

My main symptoms prior to the laparoscopy were a dull constant ache/pain in my abdomen, lethargy, nausea, missed periods, extremely painful bowel movements. Since the operation the abdominal pain has been worse and more sharp stabbing pains... I’m a little concerned that the surgery will have created adhesions, would this happen so quickly? Maybe I’m still recovering, does it have to get worse before it gets better? I’m not sure!

I was hoping to feel more myself by now, I really don’t want this to be my normal.

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16 Replies
Kangalou profile image

I have been much the same.

I am now five weeks post lap.

I went to the GP for stronger painkillers last week and she sent me back to my consultant. I can’t quite gauge his reaction - but he has now prescribed decapeptyl which I’m due to start later this week.

My symptoms were similar to yours though my heavy periods were largely regular. I also get some intermittent sharper abdo pain and have a near constant backache.

I was told at four weeks that I should be feeling ‘better’ - not necessarily recovered - but not experiencing the same problems.

I am like you - desperately want to feel better and trying to manage expectations (eg at work) that I’m not fit as a flea is really hard.

Could you go to your GP? Mine was adamant that something wasn’t quite right. Whether the decapeptyl will sort it is another matter though!

Take care xx

Endo_This profile image
Endo_This in reply to Kangalou

I have been back to my GP and unfortunately he has just said I’m recovering and has requested blood tests for anemia etc (I have had these tests quite a few times over the last 15 years!) I don’t feel confident that my GP understands.

The advice I was given before discharge was to either take the pill back to back now or try to get pregnant. I’m 34 so going to be trying for a baby but I feel so unwell still. Maybe I’m being impatient. Hope the meds work for you!

Starry profile image

This article describes the internal bodies reactions to surgery and the healing process, which can take up to 3 months, possibly more.

A fried told me as a rule of thumb allow a month recovery per hour under anaesthesia. Even then I think some people tend to be more susceptible to inflammation, immune system issues, nerve pain and neuropathic pain all of which can also be triggered by surgery, anaesthesia and it's after effects.

At least my body seemed to react strongly, my immune system crashed, I developed meningitis and then suffered all sorts of painful after effects from the trauma and my physical illness.

I am only just getting back on my feet nearly 9 months later, I am still not right and have been referred for a pain specialist and am on the waiting list for the cfs specialist team.

Reducing stress and anxiety and an anti inflammatory low acid diet seem to have helped me most in me recovery. Be kind to yourself and gentle, it is still very much early days, it's a massive thing to get over.

Endo_This profile image
Endo_This in reply to Starry

Thank you so much Starry. I will read the article.

I’m sorry you’ve been through all of this, I do think our body’s are amazing with all that we put them through but sometimes I feel mine is failing me.

When people hear keyhole surgery they think it’s nothing and react as if you’re being dramatic. Not that I vocalise how I am as people don’t seem to understand. My husband listens but then he worries about me.

I want to do what’s best but it’s difficult to know.. and my GP (new as I changed from other useless ones) doesn’t seem to offer much advice in the way of what I can do now.

I am eating healthier and drinking more water and trying to walk as I’ve spent a lot of the last 3 weeks lying or sitting. Just felt so exhausted. I am going to be patient and not be too hard on myself, fingers crossed I’ll get my mojo back.

Good luck with your referral, I hope you start to feel more like yourself soon x

Starry profile image
Starry in reply to Endo_This

Thanks, I feel im finally making progress but it's been quite a journey. xx

Nutrition can help support healing among others vitamins a, c, d and zinc are important as well as protein and omega 3. There is a helpful table in this pdf.

Endo_This profile image
Endo_This in reply to Starry

Thank you for the useful document x much appreciated.

It would be fantastic if GPs/hospitals provided this kind of thing to aid recovery!

I have to say, I really don’t like the fact we have to go on a ‘journey’ like this sometimes. You are great at giving advice, I hope you are able to take it on board yourself. Sending positive vibes x

luthien profile image


I had the same thing happen to me so I got worried and booked another appointment with my specialist; He reassured me: the body can't tell between endo pain and removal of endo pain, as we've had endo for so long we associate the two. It can take up to two months to recover enough from the op to be almost back to normal and four to feel 100% recovered.

Give yourself time, you've been through a lot xx

Endo_This profile image
Endo_This in reply to luthien

I figured it’ll be a while before I feel ‘better’, I’m being impatient but I really did think the surgery would work and I’d feel better than I do... I will give it some more time and see how I feel.

I know I need to get some exercise as I’ve not done any for so long due to feeling so unwell, might just have to bite the bullet and try to get the adrenaline going again! X

luthien profile image
luthien in reply to Endo_This

I found yoga worked, lots of stretches; good for breathing and figuring out what still hurts x

Endo_This profile image
Endo_This in reply to luthien

Thank you Farahziya, I feel like I have turned a corner the last day or so. I feel rested and happy! The light headedness made yoga difficult as I would almost black out when lifting my head, even slowly. But I think I might be ready to try some yoga again now. The breathing will help too, crazy how tensed up this horrible condition makes our bodies isn't it. I hope that you are feeling well x

JenBrown1983 profile image

Hi. 3 weeks ago just now I was being wheeled into theatre to have a laparoscopy. This was to remove a very large endometrial cyst. 3 weeks on I'm just starting to feel more normal. I'm tired though and still twingy pains. I never tbought for a minute it would have floored me so much!!! I'm doing everything to help my recovery but getting so fed up and impatient!! I have decided today that I'm going to go a short walk each day this week to get me moving.

I have been reassured by my nurse that this op is much bigger than you think and you are left bruised inside due to them messing about in there. I know the worst part initially was the trapped gas! Omg the pain was horrendous for a good week!!

I hope you're ok. Just take it easy and take pain relief. I found milk of magnesia was really good to relieve the constipation and gas. Xx

Endo_This profile image
Endo_This in reply to JenBrown1983

Hi Jen, thank you so much for your reply. Yesterday was the first day that I have felt 'good' in a long, long time. The belatedness, gas and bowel issues are so horrible and really make you feel depressed. I guess I was impatient too, I totally thought the fatigue and twinges would never go. I have changed my diet this last week and been eating a lot more healthy. Less processed food and lots and lots of fresh food. Feeling good so far. Hope you are feeling well today :) x

JenBrown1983 profile image
JenBrown1983 in reply to Endo_This

Starting to get somewhere now. I have been watching what I eat too and it's fair making a difference. Still having odd twinge but nothing major at all. I'm glad you're doing better. Just takes time Mrs x

Endo_This profile image
Endo_This in reply to JenBrown1983

I’m taking my time :-) you too! fingers crossed this is the start of a less painful life for us (for a while at least) x

JenBrown1983 profile image
JenBrown1983 in reply to Endo_This

I really really hope so. I was telling my mum today that I don't know how I will feel without all the pain. I have been so used to struggling everyday with it and now it's all easing and I'm sitting wondering if I have cramps or twinges lol. Keep looking for it.

I had to go to nurse last week and get my stitches pulled out. They weren't dissolving in me so they were getting all inflamed. All better now and healing nicely!!xx

Endo_This profile image
Endo_This in reply to JenBrown1983

I had my stitches pulled out too, the nurse was very gentle though and it didn’t hurt at all. The scars are so tiny it’s amazing really.

I feel exactly the same, the pain and discomfort is totally my normal. I fully expect that any good days will be few and far between but after a couple of days feeling ok I’m now starting to hope that the cramps will be the odd days!

Thanks for your messages, it’s been good to talk :-) x

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