I had my gynae appt on Friday and he was filling out the form in front of me to request a lap, which made it all feel quite real.
I'm now convinced it's all in my head and they're not going to find anything. I don't have it half as bad as people on here. It's mainly IBS symptoms, always bloated and tired, small appetite (feeling sick and struggling to finish meals), plus extremely painful periods (mainly day 1 and 2, when it starts it will wake me up at night), plus random stabbing pains in my lower pelvis a few times a month. I also get pain during sex (it feels like being put on a skewer, lol!)
I don't want to wish endo upon myself but I'm worried they aren't going to find anything and I would have put myself through an op for nothing. They haven't been able to find any 'nodules' on examination, either.
Has anyone been in a similar situation to me, and they did find endo? I'm not in crippling pain all month round. Feel like a fraud.