Hi everyone Ive just turned 21 and suffering really bad with pelvic pan and heavy period pains constipation, painful sex and it’s all affecting my everyday life I’m forever feeling unhappy and depressed, I’m been referred to a specialist but I wondered if anyone else knows how you can cope with the pains when they get sever I’m struggling and feel very stick and I’ve tried almost everything and can’t find anything to help? Any suggestions
How to stop the pain :(: Hi everyone Ive... - Endometriosis UK
How to stop the pain :(

Hi. Sorry to hear you're suffering so much I have pretty much exactly the same symptoms as you. Have you tried heat packs for the pain? I got sick of taking painkillers everyday so trying a TENS machine and that's really helping so I'd recommend that. Try to increase your water intake and fibre in your diet to help with the constipation. As for the painful sex I'm at a loss with myself on that one too. But remember you can always do other things together also I'd recommend the mirena for the period pain, I had it put in in December 16 and after a few months of bleeding it stopped and I haven't had a period since. I hope the specialist gives you some answers. Best of luck
Hi Peyten,
I am sorry to hear you are suffering.
You might pain pain relief information helpful: endometriosis-uk.org/pain-r... and at the bottom of the page you will find our endometriosis information pack which you might find helpful to read before your appointment.
We also run support groups across the UK as well as our telephone support service if you do need anyone to talk to: endometriosis-uk.org/pain-r....
Best Wishes,
M Mary, Endometriosis UK
I’m 21 also, and know how you feel, most 21 year olds are going out drinking, holidaying...I can’t even wok cause of how bad my pain is, I used a hot water bottle most of the time, and a TENs machine, there is an endo diet that iv heard a lot about, im trying to gain weight and don’t wanna try it incase I loose weight, iv changed a few things but haven’t noticed any different, but it may help you, everyone is different, some people have said it’s helped their pain a lot. I hope you get help soon! Message me if you ever need to just vent or whatever
Emma xx