Hi I’m wondering if anyone else can relate I’m gettin so anxious about my symptoms I keep googling them, I just googled stabbing pain near pelvic area and a rumbling/gurgling feeling and made myself sick with some of the answers about cancer.. I am only 25 and I’m almost certain I have endo, can anyone ease my mind a little?
Googled symptoms feeling horrible - Endometriosis UK
Googled symptoms feeling horrible

Hi there, try not to panic. Are under medical GP or a Gyne at the moment? If not you need to go to your GP and explain yoyr symptoms. Do you have irrgular bleeding at all? This could be a hormone imbalance or possible something else like endo, an std or PID ETC. x
I’ve been back and forth to doctors over stabbing pains in my left ovary area and hey just tried me on different pills the pain would come and go, but last few days it’s gotten worse and had sore back and tender breasts etc.. I know I need to stop googling symptoms it’s just so easy to do so, I have my first smear and ultrasound coming up, but I might just go to the hospital tomorrow on my day off and get an emergency ultrasound to settle my mind, thanks for the reply I just need to calm myself down xx
Hi Soph. I had the same pains in my left side for some months before I went to the GP. I had blood tests which revealed an elevated CA125 marker (also known as the cancer marker) which is indicative of ovarian cancer. My level was only 53 (it can be in the thousands) but I was given an urgent referral to gyne for scans. Fortunately I do not have cancer but I do have a cyst in my left ovary and adenomyosis/endometriosis. Apparently endometriosis and cysts also raise the CA125 marker. Has your GP done any blood testing? If not you could ask them to conduct one to see if your CA125 levels are raised, if not then you can relax about cancer. If they are then you should at least get an urgent referral for scans and not have to wait (and worry) as long.
Hay hun would just like to say try not to google to much about your symptoms as you can read so much and get much more anxious reading and worrying if thats you, we always ashume the worst, so maybe it may be wise to get gps advise before reading, and yes its more than likely to be endo, but it can also be other things to, try not to worry untill you no more.
Thanks for your reply! I went to A&E yesterday hoping they’d give me an ultra sound to clear my mind on what it actually is, but they wasn’t able to, they just done my bloods (full blood count) and blood pressure blood sugar etc.. said everything was fine with my bloods expect I have low hemegloben, she said this could be from the random bleeding I’ve been getting or just my diet causing me to be slightly anaemic which I was anaemic a few years ago so makes sense.. so my mind feels a little better she did say if there was anything serious going on it would of show up. But still back to my doctor tomorrow to sort out an ultrasound and my first cervical screening! So fingers crossed everything gets sorted I feel a bit better now xx
Yes fingers crossed and good look,x