Maybe tmi.. Waiting Lap and Hysteroscopy.... - Endometriosis UK

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Maybe tmi.. Waiting Lap and Hysteroscopy.. feel like a fraud?

1 Reply

Hi everyone. So I've been on this group since my GP asked me if I had heard of/knew much about endometriosis. This is a long story so bear with me..

I went to the GP after my first smear test came back with abnormal cells but they weren't worried and were going to leave me for another 3 years.

I went into the GP and spoke about how for years I have felt severe pain when passing wind and stool whilst on my period. I've had it for as long as I can remember but it has gradually got worse over the last 3 years. To the point where I nearly vomited/passed out at work from the pain. I used to think it was normal until it got to this point.

I have been on contraception due to late periods and migraines since I was 14 (am 25 next week). For last 5 1/2 years I have had the implant in and taking the pill (as advised by a nurse) because implant made me constantly spot, so they gave me the pill to stop the spotting.

I have had scans which showed a polycystic right ovary and my ovary is very far over to the right (which was told this can be completely normal)

Anyway I had the implant out and stopped pill at the beginning of November. End of November I saw a Gynae and they suggested a lap/hysteroscopy. But since then I have had another period which, even though was still abnormally painful in my ovaries/going to the loo, it has been nowhere near as awful as it was before I got rid of the contraception.

Has anyone had this before? Did contraception give them these symptoms of Endo? I don't know what to do. I have my pre-assessment appointment at the end of this month but worried they won't find anything in my eventual lap and I don't want to waste people's time.

Sorry for the long post. Feeling a bit lost

Thanks for any replies :)

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Abi_97 profile image

Hi, I was on the combined pill for awhile then I came off it just before my lap last month now I'm on the coil when I came off the pill I was in so much pain now my periods are almost painless with spotting 😮 I think it depends on your body how it react to different treatments 😮

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