I finally after 10 years had a gynaecologist after to do a lap and he told me it would be a matter of weeks it’s now 2 months and I’m honestly doing so badly. My period came on Tuesday and I’ve been in extreme pain; I don’t know if any women feel the same but this period is the worst I’ve ever had as it almost feels like I’m carrying round something heavy but really low down (almost feel like my organs are about to drop out) and it is now impossible for me to poop, the pain in my back and this heavy feeling every time I try to poop is unbearable, just feeling so disheartened by it all and really needed to rant!
Sad, waiting for lap and feeling even worse - Endometriosis UK
Sad, waiting for lap and feeling even worse

Head to the hospital it does seem like an ovarian torsion. I had the same sympt before 4 times and had to go into an urgent lap in the urgent care department. Good luck!
Sorry you're feeling like this, I'm currently on the 5th day of my period and I'm feeling pretty much the same. Does it feel like all your insides are been pulled downwards? I get this every period now unfortunately. I do suggest you ring the gynaecology waiting list and see where abouts you are on the list, as I did this on friday and was given a date x
I’m so sorry you are suffering so much with your periods. I dread mine too ☹️
I don’t what you’ve tried, but have you tried mefenamic and tranexamic acid together? My last period was so much better thanks to those two! I had the waking me up cramping but once I took those only had pain in my lower left side which I can deal with. The flow was greatly reduced and for the first time in ages I could carry on with my life on my period!!!
Endo is a awful disease. And now my periods are better I’ve got worse bowel issues instead! Can’t win! But my endo is all my rectum so probably to be expected.
Have you also looked at diet; certain foods trigger endo flare up more? They say going gluten free and dairy free should help.
I’m waiting on my third lap but mine is a 30/35 week wait so feel your frustration and in between my endo is getting worse...
I hope that you hear soon xoxo
So I didn’t end up going to the hospital as I didn’t want to be overreacting, I took some co-codamol and had a long sit on the toilet and managed to get some what more comfortable. I gave the gynae ward a call this morning in regards to my lap and they said radiology deals with that so I called them and they said my gp should sort the lap and I’m back to feeling hopeless yet again; called the gp surgery and they said it’s too late to book to speak with a doctor and that I will have to try again tomorrow morning and I think that’ll only be to be fobbed off again grr.
Thanks jess I have tried that combination but so far nothing seems to work all that well for me pain wise or to lighten my bleeding. I feel like I already know that when they do my lap it’s going to be a mess in there
Hi hun I was in your same situation don’t let them lie to you I kept calling the gynaecology department until they gave me a date don’t give in coz they will forget about you. Your GP has no control of your lap so I don’t know why they said that. And your not overreacting if your in pain go to A&E or to the ER. Good luck