Cramp pains: Hi ladies. Just a quick... - Endometriosis UK

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Cramp pains

louisepercy2000 profile image
18 Replies

Hi ladies. Just a quick question. What do you take medication wise- for when you get bad period crampings? Paracetamol and ibuprofen don’t seem to work for me however I got prescribed codeine and Solpadol from the doctors and even they sometimes don’t work

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louisepercy2000 profile image
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18 Replies
JackieBo profile image

I was given co-codamol (30/500) strength and that only dulled my pains. They have since switched me to tramadol and that is working so much better, although I have discovered that I absolutely must take them with really filling food or else I will get sick for hours. A salad or some yogurt and granola won't cut it. It has to be like a sandwich with bread or perogies or fish and veg - a full meal.

I just had my pre-op consult last week and the surgical nurse was telling me that it really varies from person to person which works best for them. As a very BASIC explanation: Tramadol is a synthetic drug that, at a molecular level, plugs up our pain receptors so no pain signals get to or brain, hence we don't feel pain for a while. Opiate based pain killers flood those receptors with happy signals so the pain signals can't get through. Some work better for others. For me, it's tramadol and I only found out after a good six months of suffering through on codeine.

JOSANDY40 profile image
JOSANDY40 in reply to JackieBo

Belladona from health shop, Fennel Tea for spasms.

Ponstain 40 or Co-diadramol or both, or Fentanyl patches.

The use of a TENS Machine this does take time to get the right pulse and intensity. For me it was the back pain setting. Set at only 1, 2, or 3. Put the sensors on almost at the sides of the body, edge of back at the widest part of the pelvis. Once you can only just feel the pulse and its not pricking you too much for the brain to register, then turn it down 1 more step. Within a few minutes it should start to gate the pain from the brain. You can not use this if you are going to bed to sleep!

Good Luck x

Lulububs profile image

Cocodamol 30/500 and naproxen. I find help. I also take tranexamic acid and that has helped me alot with pain and clotting and not to be so heavy. Other then that when im at home a good shot of brandy and hot water bottle... brandy helps relax the spasms and cramping not just coz im a alchoholic lol

I also saw a nutrionalist for other reason as i am ibs-c and i cut out gluten and cowsmilk and that seems to help i dont bloat and feel heavy at that time of month now. I just stick to organic meat and veg and fruit no stodgey foods. Try to keep ur meals as clean as possible

cryst4l profile image

hi Louise

Like you, I have times when nothing seems to be working or it takes hours for some of it to kick in. I have started to take 2 paracetemols and 2 ibuprofens together - and that seems to work better. Try doing this every 4-6 hours and take before the pain kicks in again.

Sarahxnxhannah16 profile image

Cocodomol 30/500 for daily pain and it only takes edge of it and oxycodone for flare ups, I’ve had mefanic acid, naproxen, ibuprofen, tramadol, oramorph nothing helps, tramadol kills me it gives me the worst headaches for days after I take it I have to let it leave my system which took over a week for me x

JackieBo profile image
JackieBo in reply to Sarahxnxhannah16

Oh my goodness! I was really starting to wonder if I was imagining things!

I've been on tramadol for just about a month now and it has been working a lot better for me for pain, but I feel like I keep getting these annoying little sharp headaches, kind of like a dehydration headache.

Normally, that may not be too bad, but I don't get headaches usually, I get migraines and it seems like these headaches are triggering my migraines, which is a problem because my migraine medicine has codeine in it, which isn't supposed to be taken with tramadol so I end up having to choose which pain I want to stop.

Sarahxnxhannah16 profile image
Sarahxnxhannah16 in reply to JackieBo

I'm the same I get terrible migraines and the tramadol always seem to set them of, even just 1 can trigger it, endo is an awful pain but migraines paralyze me and having 3 young kids I can't just nip up and lay in a dark room so I've chose to stay clear of tramadol x

Endoat20 profile image

I take morphine 5mg up to 4 times a day depending on my pain. When I’m on my period I also have the medication in a quick acting oral liquid form. I tried many painkillers including Percocet tramadol Tylenol 3 and 4 dilaudid toradol naproxen bafoclen and this is what my doctor and I found works best for me with the least amount of side effects. It all depends on you and your tolerance of medications for example even a 4mg Percocet will send me to the bathroom puking for hours because I feel so out of it but 5mg of morphine allows me to get on with my day with only a small amount of pain without feeling like I am medicated or hazy. Best of luck xox you are at your best when your pain is under control - seeing a pain specialist who works with you and understands how this disease impacts every part of your life makes all the difference just takes time

Mswa profile image

I'm with Lulububs, I'm reluctant to take any prescription pain killers as I'm really sensitive to side effects. Ibuprofen, paracetamol and co codamol don't touch it so I find a hot water bottle, buscopan and some whisky (when at home) is the only thing that takes the edge off, that and getting my hubby to massage my lower back!

Lulububs profile image
Lulububs in reply to Mswa

Yes i really do not like drugs u just dont know what they do but that time of month i will just coz pain so severe.

So i take the tranexamic as soon as i see a bleed but il only take 3 a day not 6 and il only take 3 days! That works for me... pain wise if im at home a brandy and hot water bottle help me massively as the alcohol releases ur tension and cramps stop more or less immediately then a good old hottie !!! But if im at work it naproxen in morning and evening and cocodamol through day as soon as get home i drop the meds and out comes hottie and brandy!!

The brandy was my dr idea she says whisky was what she used go do! So were aloud my dr says so ha ha....

It coz i have ibs-c to so i hate drugs as they generally make me worse

ThaliaThalia profile image

When my pain was bad, I took two codeine tablets and two paracetemol. I shouldn’t have taken that much because I’m petite, but it’s the only thing that made it bearable for me. The codeine would often make me vomit.

Your GP can prescribe strong pain meds other than codeine and I encourage you to get that sorted asap if you have severe pain.

I’m a big fan of hot water bottles front and back.

Also, please check out the endometriosis diet. Some women have reduced a lot of pain that way, including me. I avoid dairy, gluten/wheat, alcohol, sugar and soy. I eat organic food. I also take a good quality fish oil supplement and zinc/selenium. To goal is to reduce inflammation as much as possible. x

fhmar21 profile image

Mefanamic Acid for the pain exclusively and Tranexamic Acid helps thin the bleeding so it's not so heavy which also helps! I take these as well as having the coil and it makes a huge difference!

Helenababs profile image

I use naproxen and co codomol 30/500 .... I was put on tramadol temporarily and although it worked better than anything else Iknow it's highly have reverted back to naproxen and co codomol....i have a hot water bottle stuck to me 24 hours a day and have to take laxatives as the co codomol make me seriously constipated....hope you find something that works for you x

JackieBo profile image
JackieBo in reply to Helenababs

One of my best friends is a pharmacist who works with a rehab clinic for people suffering from opiate addiction so she's well versed in these pain killers. When I was recently switched to tramadol, she was telling me that tramadol is actually less addictive than codeine as codeine is an actual opiate and tramadol is a synthetic that works differently than opiates.

Mind you, the degree of difference isn't massive, but there is a difference.

Just thought I'd share. 🙂

Helenababs profile image
Helenababs in reply to JackieBo

Thanks for that....may well seek to go back to tramadol then..

.have a hysterectomy due this month and hoping once I'm recovered i won't need to pop any pills x

Mswa profile image

I've also switched to a vegan diet, at the very least I've lost a bit of weight and am not struggling as much with my IBS, not sure yet whether it's helping with the endo, still early doors post Lap.

Lulububs profile image
Lulububs in reply to Mswa

Yeh i agree i do think diet has alot to do with pain, u eat alot of imflamatory foods or prosessed junk food or stodge( bread cake blah blah) u are

Gona not help any situation of inflamation in ur body...

Also us women more bloated and carry water retention at that time off month...

So u need to drink more, eat more organic or at least healthier food ie meat and veg or lotsa veg and fruit....

i unfortunatley have womens prob, ibs-c and i am gluten and dairy intolerent( no not one of those people jumping on bangwagon i have been for 1 year ) due to also having psoarsis and i got to say my dr told me to go gluten dairy free and it has got rid of my psoaris and my ibs is better and even better my periods are better! Dont get me wrong i still suffer but not much tranexamic acid, cocodamol and naproxen for 3-4 days will have me functioning

amie1 profile image

2 Buscopam helps me with paracetamol cx

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