So fed up...: The last few days Iv been... - Endometriosis UK

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So fed up...

Emma5397 profile image
14 Replies

The last few days Iv been getting shooting pain up my private parts to my left pelvic side. Constantly feel sick..I'm always in pain in my stomach and back 24/7....I'm dreading my period witch is in 2days as I'm on the pill. I keep waking up soaking wet from sweating..yet I have my windows open and recently leaving the fan. I'm so fed up as nothing helps me apart from my best friend the hot water bottle😂 I struggle to swallow tablets so it's abit difficult for me to take anything. I'm drained physically and mentally..yet all I do is try to relax and sleep. But never can sleep for long as of the bloody pain!! Ugh endo sucks☹️

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Emma5397 profile image
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14 Replies
Lillil profile image

Have you tried a tens machine? Was a total saviour for me.

I used to take disdolvable painkillers when i couldnt swallow tablets and you can get diclofenac/volterol suppositries if you can bare it which are really strongx

Emma5397 profile image
Emma5397 in reply to Lillil

Yeah Iv tried a tens machine, it wasn't great for me. The hot water bottle did more and ah thank you I'll look into it xx

Abi_97 profile image

Have you tried changing your diet? 🤔 I had constant nausea pain while eating and tomach pain I lost a stone in weight until I cut out gluten I dont have constant stomach pains and nausea some weeks I can go with no nausea or pain but sometimes it comes back only mildly I've also recently cut down on dairy only having it at the weekend and it seems to be helping more 🤔

Emma5397 profile image
Emma5397 in reply to Abi_97

I'm trying to gain weight as I'm currently underweight due to not wanting to eat from the pain. So cutting out food isn't for me atm but thank you x

Abi_97 profile image
Abi_97 in reply to Emma5397

I lost a stone in weight and cutting out gluten helped me eat normal again because I didnt feel as sick so it might help x

JackieBo profile image
JackieBo in reply to Abi_97

Unless someone has a legitimate gluten intolerance or Celiacs Disease, then it won't have an effect on your body. Gluten is not the evil ingredient that recent fads have made it out to be.

Cutting gluten from your diet can have adverse effects as gluten free alternatives are loaded with fats and sugar in order to replicate the effect gluten has in food so the calorie intake will jump in a very unhealthy way if you switch to gluten free alternatives. Additionally, foods that naturally contain gluten also contain vitamins and mineral that are good for the body. When the gluten is cut, so is the vitamin and mineral content so, unless the food is fortified with additional vitamins and minerals, you'll be losing the nutritional content and gaining extra fat and sugar.

Please only advise cutting gluten if you know you have a legitimate gluten intolerance or Celiacs, which, in total, is less than 7% of the population. Other than those people, cutting gluten will not have a noticeable impact on one's diet, short of a placebo effect, as gluten is converted into a harmless amino acid in the body when digested in normal folks.

Abi_97 profile image
Abi_97 in reply to JackieBo

If someone cuts out gluten and replaces it with healthy alternatives such as veg, quiona etc and get enough vitamins and minerals thats fine! Personally I never ate many grains when I did they used to be in cakes and pasta then I fell ill and lost a stone in weight I couldnt eat properly until I cut out gluten all together now I can eat like a normal human being again so I'm happy to advise people because it does help some people as long as they have enough fruit veg meat! If gluten really doesnt effect peoples bodies even though we didnt eat it til a few hundreds of years ago then PLEASE tell me how to stop my nausea please tell the people with ibs how to stop their food intolerance pain! It maybe a "placebo" but until I find out why people with intolerances have the symptoms to start off with me I'm going to eat my healthy non gluten diet!

JackieBo profile image
JackieBo in reply to Abi_97

Humans have been eating gluten for a good 10,000 years. It is how we moved from nomadic societies to settled farming cultures. Wheat, barley, and rye were some of the first things humans began to farm for breads and beers, which literally kept humans alive for thousands of years.

Gluten is not a new ingredient.

Honestly, from what you said, that your gluten used to come from cakes and pastas.... it doesn't sound like gluten was the problem, but rather the type of foods you were eating. Of course cutting highly processed foods or foods heavy in sugar and fat will have a positive effect on your diet, but that wasn't the gluten that made those foods bad.

One can try whole grain pastas and breads as opposed to overly processed bleached flour alternatives. And, of course, sugar and fat laden cakes are always good to cut back on.

Carby foods in general can cause a bloated feeling, but, again, that is due to the nature of how our body processes carbs, not the gluten inside the carbs. Gluten has become the devil ingredient in many new fad diets, but the problem is, people can say whatever they want to push their new diet book or podcast.... they don't require a doctor or a nutritionalist's seal of approval. We all need to consider the source of our information.

My point was mainly about people relying on gluten free alternatives - those are far less healthy than the actual gluten containing foods. Relying on gluten free foods will worsen your diet.

Of course, if you are going to cut all carbs from your diet, then gluten will be eliminated naturally, but that doesn't mean gluten was the root of your trouble.

We women have enough to battle without passing around inaccurate information and gluten seems to be the go to "sinful ingredient" these days, even though there is little to no scientific evidence to back it up, just a whole lot of misinformation and misunderstanding.

Abi_97 profile image
Abi_97 in reply to JackieBo

I still say why do people who say they have an intorlerance get the pain initially? My diet hasnt changed apart from not having toast or sandwhich and not having pasta replacing it with gluten free cereal and salad as I still have a sweet treat each night (which I know I shouldnt have but it doesnt effect) personally its helped for me it doesnt mean it will help for everyone but endometriosis key to healing through nutrition book advised that women could go dairy free and gluten free as it does help some people. Personally I think if you cut gluten out but replace it with meat veg seeds fruit and vitamins and minerals supplements then you are okay. I was just sharing my experience as a suggestion because I know how painful it is to go through stomach pain and nausea everyday and my doctor suggested me to try the different diets so I thought if it would help for me it might help for other women! Also its not a "fad" diet if you do it right and dont gain weight 😂

JackieBo profile image
JackieBo in reply to Abi_97

You're absolutely right about things being good if you replace it with fruits, veg, and other cereals like quinoa - I was cautioning specifically against foods that tout themselves as "gluten free" breads and pastas and other alternatives. Those are loaded with fats and sugars to get the same effect gluten naturally creates. Sorry I I was unclear - I specifically meant if people are trading naturally containing gluten foods with their "gluten free" alternatives. Those can actually work against you as they are less healthy than their gluten containing counterparts.

Everyone should try to find what works for them, of course! It often is the case though that we eliminate one thing, say, gluten, and then we feel better, but do we feel better because we aren't eating gluten or is it because we aren't eating loads of carbs, which leads to bloat and weight gain....

Also, I'm a big fan of dark chocolate for my sweet fix. That and pickles are my go to food craving fix. We all need our comfort things. 😉

Abi_97 profile image
Abi_97 in reply to JackieBo

Sorry if I seemed a bit harsh because it just annoys me when people complain about people being gluten free like we are a annoying 😔 (I know you didnt mean it that way) You have though made me think about looking at the ingredients before I buy gluten free bread next time 🤔 I read online not sure if its accurate but it was wrote by a doctor apparently we could eat gluten but we've made it more sticky with preservatives etc which has caused the rise in people having an slight intorlerance as long as you get what you need through veg fruit it should be fine but ask your doctor first 🤔

Ooohhh dark chocolate is nice I like white chocolate strawberry stuff and coconut chocolate ice cream 😉

JackieBo profile image
JackieBo in reply to Abi_97

You've hit the nail on the head: is it really that gluten has suddenly changed in the last 10,000 years or is it all the artificial crap we're packing in to our foods? By cutting gluten, we cut all those artificial ingredients too and all the starchy, carby things that make us feel heavy and bloated. People then think it's the gluten that did it when we really just don't know that. It's become such a bandwagon fear now, but there is little scientific consensus on it.

I just don't want to see women who already struggle enough as it is, work to eliminate something that probably isn't actually the problem, especially when eliminating that can cause other unintended consequences.

Abi_97 profile image
Abi_97 in reply to JackieBo

If it is what they put in bread etc its hard to find something without it especially if they pump it into the wheat while its growing 🤔 Its all about trail and error if cutting out gluten helps then its fine if cutting out dairy helps then its fine as long as you get what you need 🤔

Emma5397 profile image
Emma5397 in reply to Abi_97

Could you both not of had your argument in a private message rather than on my post. Bit rude and inconsiderate tbh

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