Please help.: I have cysts on my ovaries... - Endometriosis UK

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Please help.

VW17 profile image
21 Replies

I have cysts on my ovaries, IBS and suspected endometriosis. Had a pre op appointment and waiting for operation date. Finding work impossible and my boyfriend just broke up with me. Looking for some support please

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VW17 profile image
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21 Replies
Starry profile image

Huge hugs xxxx That is all so much to cope with at once. There is lots of support and empathy here.

I crashed out of work 3 weeks before my op with stress and chronic exhaustion and am very scared about how i will cope when I go back in October. I can relate and am thinking of you x

VW17 profile image
VW17 in reply to Starry

Thank you. I'm really not sure how to cope.

Starry profile image
Starry in reply to VW17

Lean on friends. Vent here as much as you need to XXX

Have you thought about counseling , adjusting to having a serious chronic illness is massive. I started sessions this week.

While you wait for your date there are things you can try.

Tens or acupuncture or pressure for pain

Diet changes can help too with bloating and inflammation which cause pain. Particularly cutting down gluten and dairy, eating unprocessed fresh foods.

VW17 profile image
VW17 in reply to Starry

I feel exhausted and don't want to get out of bed. Was diagnosed with IBS years ago so pretty careful with my diet already. I feel terrible in the weeks before my period, during and the week after. It's the week after and I feel wiped out. Scared I will lose my job. Devastated he left me. Just feel broken.

Daisychain222 profile image
Daisychain222 in reply to VW17

Awe, sweetie you are not alone. I hope you try to just breathe deeply and take good care of yourself. Can you see you GP to discuss your stess and perhaps find support. Endo is terrible and to be dealt with on many levels...... chronic pain is exhausting and hard to cope with. I agree to look for other healing remedies; accupucture, naturopathic doctor and my surgeon really helped me.

I found that keeping a journal and writing down your feelings helps as you can put it on a shelf and let go for awhile. A good heating pad and hot water bottle are necessary and swimming if you can..... hot tubs help.

I live in Canada so I don't know how things work in the UK, but I pushed myself too hard too many times and could not work for a long time. Can you go on a sick leave? Any insurance for illness??

I found watching movies helped, finding support with other women that have Endometriosis and learning different ways to cope.

Be gentle with yourself...... I promise it will get better..... We are here for you💕

VW17 profile image
VW17 in reply to Daisychain222

Thank you. Work are being understanding. I feel a bit more positive today but I feel very achey. I dream of having baths but only have a shower at home. Plan on seeing my GP today for advice and returning to work Monday. My boyfriend wants to see me later. It's hard for him too. I don't want to burden anyone. Or be left when I'm at my lowest. I hope to get the date for the op soon. Appreciate all the kind words and advice x

JackieBo profile image
JackieBo in reply to VW17

Oh, honey. You are NOT alone.

I'm due in to work at 4 and I'm sitting in bed sobbing because the pain is so high today. I've taken codeine every day since Friday and I was hoping to go a day without.... not gonna happen. And now I'm agonising over I I should try and push through it or call in, again.

It is EXHAUSTING trying to go in and pretend like you're not in near constant, agonising pain. People ask if you're okay, but all they really want to hear is "I'm fine". They don't really want to know and we know it.

I'm also waiting for my surgery date, should be coming just before Christmas, lucky me! And I also deal with chronic bowel issues very similar to IBS (gall bladder removed and constant issues since). I really, really feel you, honey. Hang in there as best you can and know that you are far from alone. That's why I opened the app up right now - I felt so alone sitting in bed crying again and I knew if I opened this app, I'd be reminded that I'm not alone and there are some people who understand. ❤️

I'm so sorry you've lost a relationship due to this, but it is crucial that you know that you are NOT to blame. Some people just can't deal with caring for someone who is chronically ill. It's a strain on us and them. Try to not delve into anger as your body does not need the added stress, but let yourself grieve as you need to, get it out. Know that you will be stronger for it, even if it doesn't feel like it now.

You are not alone. ❤️

VW17 profile image
VW17 in reply to JackieBo

Thank you so much. I hope you feel better soon x

deedeeme profile image

Check with your doctor for possible neuroendocrine cancer. It can be confused with IBS. My daughter has it. Please see all sites related to NETs or neuroendocrine cancer. Hope this doesn't scare you but I felt it necessary to get the word out there.

VW17 profile image
VW17 in reply to deedeeme

I already feel like a hypochondriac. I've been ill for years but look fine. What are the symptoms for this?

Char11 profile image

Hey, I'm sorry you are having a hard time at the moment. You've got a lot to deal with so don't beat yourself up about not feeling your best, it won't be forever. In the lead up to your op get your pain under control so you can do day to day things, keep your friends around you and be kind to yourself. I really hope you get the answers you need at your op, take care xx

VW17 profile image
VW17 in reply to Char11

Thank you. I hope so too. The not knowing is causing alot of stress and worry.

Manisha2701 profile image

Hold on to your life.It is tough I am pretty sure.But once everything is over,you will feel the happiness to live a new life.Trust me! :)

Concentrate on your health first. Its going to be fine,been through it.

Chlpe profile image

Hi Hun there is plenty of support on here with women who are in the same position or near enough as you. I had exactly the same as you cysts and IBS. I've recently had my op in may where they have diagnosed me with endometriosis and I'm now waiting for a follow up with my surgeon to see how severe it actually is. Big hugs to you. I hope they don't keep you waiting for surgery and help you soon.

VW17 profile image
VW17 in reply to Chlpe

Thank you. Pre op appointment was last week and the op should be in the next 12 weeks. 11 now. Why does it take so long to get the info after the op???

Chlpe profile image
Chlpe in reply to VW17

I have no idea. They said I would be reviewed after 6-8 weeks prior to the op. I was reviewed by a male who wasn't my surgeon who couldn't give me any info. I'm meant to have a follow up this month but still haven't received a letter with an appointment. After the op I was diagnosed with endo and they inserted a marina coil in which was meant to help but all I had was Severe pains so I had that removed last month with my GP although they say some women just cannot get on with it but for other women it can be the best thing. Hope that helps. Good luck. I'm sure you'll be fine

VW17 profile image
VW17 in reply to Chlpe

I had the coil fitted around 2 years ago after continuous bleeding. Continued bleeding even with added contraceptive pill...after a few months of that it was removed and after a while on nothing it stopped. I bled for around a year non stop.

kymlouise58 profile image

Big hugs you poor darling, my daughter suffers with this too. It's so unrelenting. Lately she has found some relief with medical cannabis. It really helps and doesn't have the nasty side effect of codeine and ibuprofen. My heart goes out to you. Sending you lots of love xx

VW17 profile image
VW17 in reply to kymlouise58

I actually wish that was an option here in the UK. Because of my stomach problems I can't take alot of medications.

JackieBo profile image
JackieBo in reply to VW17

It may not be a legal option yet, but it is still something that can be gotten easily enough. I can't imagine how I'd get through some days without smoking a little. It eases the cramps and nausea SO much! Here's to hoping the U.K. and the rest of the western world wakes up to the fact that a plant that grows from the ground, isn't addictive, and has never caused an overdose isn't worth banning soon.

VW17 profile image
VW17 in reply to JackieBo

I have self medicated with it and know the benefits. Haven't recently because I am stretched financially.

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