Esmya: I've been prescribed esmya for... - Endometriosis UK

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I've been prescribed esmya for fibroids. What can I expect?

I've already had embolisation, tried prostap with HRT and now giving this a shot.

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fridablues profile image

Hi there!... just started Esmya.. took first pill yesterday!... im actually so nervous as i rarely take anything and didnt want to put this in my body. I am 44 years old, no children, i have 5cm fibroid right in the middle of my uterus and my periods for the last 6 months have been horrendous.. painful, long and very heavy. we are trying Esmya to shrink my fibroid for safer and easier removal. i am keeping a diary of side effects and will post any updates. i just want this to work as i think i will refuse a second course. i dont know what to expect either but with research on forums it seems to be different for everyone. i wish you all the best!...

susieblue profile image
susieblue in reply to fridablues

Unfortunately it didn't work for me though I felt like it was.. the very early days of taking the pill I had terrible tummy cramps then nothing after a week or so. Further scans showed fibroid now 12x10" and boy is it painful now😞. I'm scheduled for total hysterectomy with strong possibility of colostomy as severe adhesions due to major car crash several years ago....had my children and tbh I just want it all taken away, fed up of the bloating and feeling like someone is constantly stabbing me in the tummy 😢. Surgeon said op will be before Christmas...heres of luck with Esmya, hope you have success with it.. I have read positive posts regarding it 😊

littlemissnats profile image
littlemissnats in reply to fridablues

Hiya - I am day 8 of a 56 day (2 month) course to treat returning fibroids. Today as well as having migraines, I had the nausea feeling and also threw up - currently can't even view food. I am still bleeding profusely. Basically was diagnosed with fibroids in 2008 at 26 - had the myomectomy, they gradually returned - periods have always been heavy but manageable until say last year - I say managable but in hindsight they were not. Had my daughter in 2013 - but due to previous myomectomy I wasn't allowed to labour for fear of ruptured uterus so had her via c-section - won't lie, was glad that option was made for me. Since 2013, my periods have worsen and my anaemia has got to the where I have to have an iron infusion every six weeks. I had the Mirena coil inserted in Sept 2016 but in May of this year I was admitted into hospital via A&E due to severe blood loss and I lost consciousness -after two x-rays and a US scan, they came to the conclusion that the Mirena had come out.... At the hospital that I was admitted into the gynaecologist recc. having embolisation, although it states it's not recc. for women who want to have more children (I am 35 - and it would be nice to have another kiddo by 40, although I am divorced and not dating, so if I don't have another kiddo I am not upset about it...) Because I wasn't happy with the level of treatment from that hospital, I went to the gynaecologist who did my first myomectomy - my biggest fibroid is growing through the wall and is big and cause me no end of pain, bloatedness, weight gain and my periods are out of this world - I literally can not move and have to either work from home or can't work at all. So have been prescribed Esmya as a pre-op treatment as my gynie will do the myomectomy but wants the fibroid shrunken. Day 8 in I am feeling so rough, I just hope it gets better...

fridablues profile image

Hi Littlemissnats, sorry to hear you have been through all that :( heres hoping this Esmya works!... i am now exactly a month in of a 3 month course... so far side effects are manageble.. headaches, a bit dizzy now and then and tired but nothing thankfully which stops me working as i have my own little business and cant afford to not be there. blood seems to have stopped but always wear some kind of pad just in case!.. im fascinated as to why some women respond so badly and others dont. i take my pill same time 9pm every evening hoping that taking it at night would lessen its effect by morning so i can function better.. but overall so far so good.. of course im not sure if any shrinkage is happening!.. its all so frustrating and didnt realize fibroids could get so complicated. hang in there and hope it all levels out and its not too rough. hugs XX

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