Hello everyone i am 18 years old and have had constant bleeding/ browny black discharge for around 20 months now ( witch can only be stopped by norethisterone tablets) i also have pains and cramps most days and am always tired, i have been treated for cervical ectropion and have had an MRI to try and diagnose endometriosis witch has recently come back as negative, the doctors are prescribing me pre-menopausal injections for 4 months witch i am starting on the 25th has anyone else gone through something similar because its all a big mess and i have no idea what is actually going on and if its ever going to end :((
Help: Hello everyone i am 18 years old and... - Endometriosis UK

It might be best for you to have a laparoscopy so that the doctors can have a look to see what's going on inside your pelvis. There is clearly something not quite right and I think a laparoscopy would be the best way to find out xxx

Thankyou! I have not been offered this , i may mention it when i next have a hopsital apointment, thankyou xxx

I agree I had a couple of different scans and they showed nothing. They found stage 3 when they did a lap
It sounds like they really need to do a laproscopy endometriosis is not always detected on an mri, it wasn't for me. It is the best way for them to be able to assess exactly what is happening and treat anything that may need treatment xx
Have you had an internal scan? I kept getting told there was nothing wrong with me when i had a normal scan, then they did a internal scan and found i had adenmyosis. I've recently just had a full hysterectomy as this was the only way to cleat it.
You need to keep on at them to explore every avenue until you get a diagnosis.
Its like a long camera inserted into your vagina sort of like a smear. They view it on a screen.
Me! I'm going to get my cervix treated for the same thing and I'm going to have my first lap to see for endo
I'll be asleep for the cervix thing. No never had a mri I had a scan in June which showed nothing and was due a hysteroscopy last tues and he said he didn't think I needed it but after talking to him etc I've been reffered for a lap and he had a look at my cervix when he seen it was red and inflammed